Story not saving in Harlowe
Hello! I'm having an issue where the save feature in twine 2 isn't working. I've lost all my work a couple times now, giving me a flashbacks to when I first started using twine 1. I've also noticed...
View ArticleTesting my game
Hey everyone, not sure if this has been asked before... My game is getting really big... i mean big big... and since i came from another engine, i usually mess up with variables designation. Is there...
View ArticleWhere does Beta 3 save the in-progress story files
I'm not sure that I really have to know this, but it would be good for backup purposes. I started a new story just to see where it published so I could drag old stories over etc. and I can't find the...
View ArticlePersistent header with SugarCube
Hi, I would like to add persistent header und footer - like persistent toolbars on jQuery Mobile - on my game using newest SugarCube story format. I know PageHeader and PageFooter passages to show a...
View ArticleEnding game on a timer?
This is a two-in-one question. Firstly, is there an official 'end game' script, or do I just send them to a dead-end passage which says 'You're dead' or whatever? Secondly, I have a set-piece where the...
View ArticleSorting arrays not working as expected
<<if $ArraySort == "Name A-Z">> <<set $Array to $Array.sort(function(a, b){if(a.Name < b.Name) return -1; if(a.Name > b.Name) return 1; return 0;})>> <<elseif...
View ArticlePath for images and fonts
I have added a background image on css stylesheet. If I open the published html file it works, but not if I run the story on Twine itself. Where I have to store images (and font files) so I can test my...
View Article[ANSWERED] Game Over - Disable 'Backward' Option?
Sugarcube 2.11.0 How would I disable the 'backwards' button on my Game Over passage? And is it advisable? [EDIT] I've no doubt this is an utter mess of a solution, but until someone can show me the...
View ArticleMake '@keyframes fadein' rule specific to one selector?
Sugarcube2.11.0 In my game, instead of having the links set to a different colour, I'm using a tactic which makes them slowly fade from a low opacity to full opacity over a time period. I also have an...
View ArticleGetting rid of the passage background
I'm using Twine 2 with SugarCube 1.0.34. I can place a background image to each of my passages, however every time i add some text it places the image inside of that too. I've used the 'inspect' to...
View ArticleHow reliable are the timed macros?
I know that in another text adventure builder I use, the timers can be rather unpredictable for others when they play your game. I suspect this is down to a number of things - the weight of the game,...
View ArticleQuick question about link highlighting
I created this game for Paramedic students - The problem is that sometimes the "correct" answers are already highlighted when you start or restart the quiz....
View ArticleHow to change text colour?
hey! i am trying to change my text colour to white but every code i use don't work.... i can change the background but i want it black...... i have tried body { background-color:black; color:white;}...
View ArticleIf nesting headache! (Sugarcube 2.11.0)
Can't work out what I'm doing wrong here. As the player clicks each item in the Storage Hut they're taken to a passage which says '(item) taken)' then a timer returns them to the Storage Hut passage...
View ArticleOnline game saves storage?
When playing online, where are Twine's save files stored? In other words, would the saves be lost if the user cleared their browser cache?
View ArticleSeeking opinion on Sugarcube's 'Backwards' function
The gamebook I'm currently making features a number of links in a sidebar. As well as the essential 'Save' and 'Restart' ones, there's also two others; 'Backwards' and 'Forwards'. The 'Backwards' link,...
View ArticleChange wording of 'saves' (Sugarcube 2.11.0)
Is it possible to change the word 'Saves' to something a little clearer such as 'Save/Load' ?
View ArticleSidebar collapse < hover effect (Sugarcube 2.11.0)
I want to remove the background hover effect for the little < character that collapses the sidebar, but I don't know how to write the selector. I've tried: #ui-bar-toggle::before:hover...
View ArticleBrowser 'Back' button (Sugarcube 2.11.0)
Can someone please clear up a little puzzle. When I test my game in the browser, the 'Back' button remains inactive throughout. When I discovered this I was delighted, and assumed it was part of...
View ArticleRemoving empty space at top
I'm making a Twine game; the passage needs to fill the entire page because I need it to look like various websites. I expanded the height and width of the tw-story element to 100%, but there's a bar of...
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