Channel: Help! with 2.0 - Twine Forum
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Harlowe syntax help

So I'm trying to make a statement that only displays one option if the variable is less than 10, otherwise if the variable is 10 or above it displays another option. But for some reason it only ever...

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Help for newbie

In my story, I want to ask the player to either chose "yes" or "no". I know about the option macro. Say the player chooses "yes", then they will be taken to a certain page where they will be able to...

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(Harlowe) Combining two arrays?

Hello- TL;DR, I'm trying to append one array to another. The player has an inventory, saved as $inv. The player is holding a sword and shield. So it looks something like (set: $inv to (a: "sword",...

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(Harlowe) Trying to add name and gender options

I'm trying to make the main character's name/title/style of address, etc. change based on choices at the beginning of the passage, but I'm running into the "X is not defined" error. Examples: []...

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Variable choices

Hi, I'm using Sugarcane 2 and I was wondering if there was a way to let the player choose a variable but by clicking text that changes each time instead of by typing it in. For example, if the question...

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'string is not a function'

Getting this error likely because I've formatted the conditional check incorrectly. I'm checking to see if the last page visited was 'leave'. If so, show Text, otherwise, show Other text. What's the...

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[Grunt-Entwine]Incomplete Grunt Configuration

In using Chris's grunt-entwine-quickstart toolset (http://chrisklimas.com/grunt-entwine-quickstart/), Grunt doesn't seem to be completely set up. Following Grunt's global install (v1.0.1) and...

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Formatting issues with Internet Explorer and external hosting

Hi folks, Has anyone else come across this issue and found a solution? I can run Twinery files fine locally using Internet Explorer 11 but when I load them up onto our hosting server, they don't work...

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Normal Distribution in Sugarcube 2

Hello everyone. First post here. I tried searching for how to do normal distribution in Sugarcube 2 but nothing comes up, but I could find how to do it in javascript (which I know next to nothing...

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(Harlowe)Automatically Zooming

Hi. For my game, I would like it to be default a bit zoomed out (y'know, where you hold control and scroll down). Is this possible in twine. If not, is there a way to decrease the text. Possibly using...

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NaNoWriMo helper app 'language'?

So you have Harlow, Snowman, etc. There's even a 'language' that focuses on screenwriting. Is there anything that's novel-centric? IE you can tag a passage, then in the table of contents there's like a...

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[Sugar Cube] Multiple items to unlock thing?

I've been trying to figure it out myself but I've been unable to work it out. I'm trying to set it so that you collect multiple items (hidden that is) when you go to certain passages/areas and you need...

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Compare problem

My test code is: {(set: $target="12") (set: $current="$num1"+"$num2") (set: $num1 = "1") (set: $num2 = "2") (set: $test = "12") $target = $current? (if: $target is $current)[ YES] (else:)[NO]...

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[SugarCube 2] Integrating YouTube video through JS

Hello there! First post here, be nice please I'm totally new at Twine, finished my first simple story a few days ago and beginning to work on a bigger project. To be honest, I'm not familiar with...

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"Column markup" section of the manual simply won't work.

All i'm trying to do is, in order to learn the use of columns, which i need to simulate a newspaper page, reproduce the this code from inside Harlowe's documentation: |== This is in the leftmost...

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Posted twice, please ignore.

As above. I am the dumb.

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SugarCube Custom Macro - Table of links

Trying to make a table full of clickable links to other passages. Not sure how to continue from this point, but I think the code is self-explanatory enough. macros.add("hublinks", { version: {major: 1,...

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(Harlowe) Setting a timer for responses

Hey folks, I'm what you'd call a complete Twine noob: really, really new to the game. I'm not going too ambitious with my first project, I just want to simulate a text conversation between the reader...

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Hey guys I like using Twine 2.0 very much, but I've met a problem yesterday... I am currently making a story about a dungeon adventure an it involves traps. There two choices, [[dodge left]] and...

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Hey guys I like using Twine 2.0 very much, but I've met a problem yesterday... I am currently making a story about a dungeon adventure an it involves traps. There two choices, [[dodge left]] and...

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