[Harlowe]Something Wrong With My Code?
In my game I've coded this as my death screen thing: {<center><big><big><big><big>(color: "black")[(text-style: "shadow")[''The...
View ArticleSet between two variables.
What is the behaviour when you set a variable to another variable? I am using Sugarcube 2. Say I have $array which is an array of characters and I go: <<set $array[0].name to "foo">>...
View ArticleHow to modify the HTML, CSS and add JavaScript?
I want to create an interactive story, but one that has more than choices. 1) I want this story to have modals that pop up and display additional information after clicking on text, surveys, multiple...
View ArticleUsing external IDE?
Is there any way to work with twine with each passage as a separate plain text file and compile it from the command line, like any other sane programming environment?
View ArticleRemembering choice
Hello fellow Twiners. Am pretty new to this and am having some issues with choices made in 1 passage that's should link to another passage. The difference in choices affects the story. For example, in...
View ArticleText box prompt
Hi guys, writing a story on Harlowe, and am stuck again here. First let me explain the scene. Passage 1: David learns the gang that killed his father were the Blue Jackets Passage 10: David meets with...
View ArticleProblems with SugarCube Inventory
I am currently using Twine 2.0.11 on browser and SugarCube 1.0.34 and I'm trying to implement this inventory system into my story: https://twinery.org/wiki/twine2:add_an_inventory_system However when I...
View ArticleOn click text appear and disappear
I have just started using Twine and it seems like a great tool for interactive fiction, but I've encountered a problem. I'm trying to understand how can I make the text appear and disappear on click. I...
View ArticleAbout adding updates to a released Twine game
I am planning on releasing an rpg game that will have future versions down the road (for adding new quests, etc.). Will this be possible without breaking the previous saved games as long as I don't...
View ArticleUsing Sugarcube 2 with Twine 2, how can I comment out lines?
The standard Harlow symbols don't seem to work and using // makes everything after it italic. Many thanks, --Rev
I have this cool story done in twine and all, but don't know how to upload them. Can anyone help with this?
View ArticleEarly evaluation inside of a click replace macro?
Hello all, New arrival here. I've only been tooling around with Twine for a week, so feel free to respond with a link if there's documentation on this that my searching today didn't uncover. (I admit...
View ArticleKeyword Search Box Twine 2 Harlowe
I've been looking for a number of days, but have been unsuccessful. I am looking to add the ability for users to enter in a word or words and have it display all passages that contain those words....
View ArticleBackground Music in Harlowe
Hi all, I've made a few Twine fictions using Twine 2 (whatever the most recent is, it's all updated on my computer) and Harlowe 1.2.1. I am fairly dedicated to using Harlowe, since I do well with the...
View ArticleChoosing random values inside a loop (was: In a hole in the bottom of the...
So, I'm working on creating a randomly generated map in Sugarcube 2 for my game. It's slow, but I'll get there. I've run into my first issue however. What I'm trying to do is place a loop withing an...
View ArticlePassage Loop
So my starting passage has simple text which ends with a [[story]] link.This link takes you to other passages that explain some stuff and then another link takes you back to the starting passage.When...
View ArticleSingle use function in Sugarcube
I'm kinda new to this, and I'm wondering how I could make a function that only works on a specific page? I don't think I can use a widget bc the function would replace a specific div in that page....
View ArticleUsing asterisks to make bulleted lists in Harlowe, but the passage no longer...
Hiyo! First post here, forgive me if I did something; I couldn't find any similar topics by searching so I'm hoping someone can help me out. I tried to separate my link choices in each passage with...
View ArticlePassage Loop
So my starting passage has simple text which ends with a [[story]] link.This link takes you to other passages that explain some stuff and then another link takes you back to the starting passage.When...
View ArticleNot enough space?
Hey there! I'm very new to Twine, so I'm sure this is an amateur question but I couldn't find the answer online. Basically, is there a way to expand the size of a story window so I can keep adding...
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