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harlowe - keeping variables through savegames?

yo so i've got a save/load game function in my game at the moment (works if you close the tab, lets you visit the main menu, etc) (this is a footer on every page:) [Save Game]<save| || [Load Saved...

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Twine2/Sugarcube2 - re-enable browser's back button?

I guess the title says it all. I made a very short and very simple game using Twine2/Sugarcube2. It would make more sense to me if users could just return to previous pages using the browser's back...

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Any dynamic text effect macros for Sugarcube 2.x?

heya! i'm very new with twine, in fact, just started my first project today. it's actually going along very well! i wanted to spice things up in my story to have certain words have dynamic action, like...

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finished 250k word game in Harlowe. Save data doesnt persist. Options?

Recently we completed a TWINE game with over 250k words. There are hundreds of variables and 1000+ passages. Great right? Well, then I realized that Harlowe data doesn't persist. Now I'm searching for...

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Sugarcube : sidebar folded

Hello I want to launch my story with the sidebar closed, as it looks when the user clicks the adequate arrow-button. I'm working with Twine 2.0.11 and Sugarcube 2.12.1 I have tried to put UI.stow(); in...

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Remove the history in Ui-bar

Hello, Can anyone suggest a way to either remove or disable the #ui-bar-history in CSS? Format Sugarcube 2.x. Thank you!

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[[Home|previous()]] going to a passage named previous?

Another Harlowe to Sugarcube question. When I use the syntax of [[Home|previous()]] Twine creates a passage named previous(). All I want it to do is make the button Home go back to the previous...

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Changing the title (SugarCube 2/Twine 2)

As I am sure he will read this, TheMadExile, I wish to thank you, dearly, for all your hard work. You have built something that even a simpleton such as I can use (well I try). Also, GreyElf, thank you...

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Images and Music on Mobile

Hello. I'm absolutely new to this whole thing. I've looked at video tutorials and such and ended up with a working game, no programming knowledge needed at all. My story/game works fine on desktop but...

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[Harlowe] How to delete automatically the choices already done by the player?

Hi I would like to be able to (in a display): delete automatically the choices already done by the player, in order to omit repetitions. How to do so? I imagine that it is with (history) and (replace)...

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Error for IF statements in Sugarcube

Sorry for all the questions today but I'm trying to move from harlowe to Sugarcube and I have so many questions. Okay. First: In Harlowe I set a variable: $preference: "Blue" for instance. {(if:...

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How to remove the UI bar (sidebar) margin in Sugarcube?

I managed to remove the sidebar using two methods which were supposed to also eliminate the left margin, but the margin is still there. Please help! This is driving me crazy. I'm using Twine 2,...

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Can I make a link that can be clicked multiple times?

Hi! I would like to create a part in my story where the player has to click a link 5 times to be able to move to that passage. I am using Twine 2 and Sugarcube 2. I tried to search for this but no luck.

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relocated passage changes position after short time, grid lock has no effect

Hello Twine peoples:D As a mere beginner (and first time poster! Hi!) I have encountered what I suspect is an issue with my own computer(since if everyone had it the forums would be full of people...

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Make entire clickable in Sugarcube

Hello, I'm quickly falling in love with Sugarcube. My game looks 100x better already. Here's a few more questions... 1. How do I make a <li> element (which has a list of radio buttons) clickable?...

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How to include Harlowe variable in html

Hi All! I'm trying to use a variable($val) inside html on a passage. (set: $val to 10) <progress value= $val max="100">70 %</progress> But the value is not understood by HTML. What should...

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Add outside CSS to Sugarcube

I stumbled on https://daneden.github.io/animate.css/ CSS and his effects would be a HUGE help to making this gamebook more interesting to read. How would I integrate it into the story's CSS? I tried...

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Format Data in Twine to on Mac OS X (Yosemite, 10.10.5)

It looks as if I have the same sort of problem this person did on Windows: https://twinery.org/forum/discussion/4875/cant-install-sugarcube-2-to-twine-2-help SugarCube 2 was working. I'm not sure when...

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Changing the title (SugarCube 2/Twine 2)

As I am sure he will read this, TheMadExile, I wish to thank you, dearly, for all your hard work. You have built something that even a simpleton such as I can use (well I try). Also, GreyElf, thank you...

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Optional Timed Text (SugarCube 2/Twine 2)

Hi there! Currently I'm setting up text to automatically read out on a timed delay. However, it occurs to me that waiting for text to pop up may be frustrating for faster readers, who may prefer to see...

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