Browser back/forward history navigation
Using Harlowe 1.1.1 on Twine 2.0.8. Have a CYOA sort of story where I want to be able to use the browser back/forward button to navigate. It's not working for me by default in Chrome (Mac). Is history...
View ArticleCustom Javascript Functions and Key-Value Pair Dilemma.
As a precursor, I have been spending hours researching this, scouring the Twine forums, w3schools for Javascript, the Twine 2 wiki, and SugarCube 2 docs, so this is kinda my last resort. Firstly, I...
View ArticleIs there a way to access information from the player's system clock in...
I'm using Twine 2 and am using SugarCube as Harlowe didn't seem to offer an elegant way of allowing text input from the player (which is a feature I need). In my game I want to access the current date...
View ArticleHow do I add a sidebar in Harlowe?
I would like to be able to add a button that the user can click that will send them to the main menu, one so they can see acknowledgments, and maybe one to close the game.
View ArticleHow To Change Specific Text's Color
How would one go about changing the color of specific text? Such as one character's text when speaking always being green, and another character's text always being red.
View ArticleHow to make text fade in using the live replace function?
Hi! For dramatic effect, I'm having it display some text at first, then waiting a couple seconds before adding another paragraph using the live/replace functions. This is how the code looks:...
View ArticleHow do I add a sidebar in Harlowe?
I would like to be able to add a button that the user can click that will send them to the main menu. I know no programming at all; everything I've done in my (first) story, so far, I've had to look up.
View ArticleTwine 2/Harlowe - How do I give the text links a shadow during hover, rather...
I know hardly any programming at all; everything that I've done with my story so far, I've had to look up.
View ArticleIs it possible to create different clickable points on a single image ?
Hello, I just came across a game made with Twine : I'm looking for a way to make an image with multiple clickable points, just as this game (see on page 2) Could you...
View Article[Harlowe] Need help with order of multiple (replace:) macros
I want to have a piece of text change to something else when clicked once, then change to a different thing when clicked again. I understand the basics of this, using hooks and (replace:), but I can't...
View ArticleHow do I add a local image file to my story?
I'm using Twine 2 - Harlowe. I know hardly anything about programming. Everything I've done with my story, so far, I've had to look up and copy/paste/edit.
View ArticleBest way to proof each possible storyline? Harlowe, Twine 2
It's entirely possible that there is no good answer to this question, but I figured it was better to ask just in case. I've finished a first draft of my choose-your-own-adventure story. It's 266...
View Article[Harlowe] Vertically aligning text.
I've been fiddling around with a random generator thing - since all the user does is click the link to generate a new result, I'd like to have that link in a fixed position on the screen, rather than...
View ArticleFormat Data in Twine to on Mac OS X (Yosemite, 10.10.5)
It looks as if I have the same sort of problem this person did on Windows: SugarCube 2 was working. I'm not sure when...
View ArticleHow to "Switch Equipment" in Surgarcube?! D:
Infinite, battle tower kind of game. I managed to finish most vital aspects such as stats you can increase in a style similar to Dark Souls and a combat system with not only skills, but also evasion...
View ArticleHelp! And be prepared... (Twine in french)
Hello everyone, i have a BIG problem. Some of my box don't connect to the right box. And even more, when i want to start a debug run, sometimes it start at the wrong box. I try different type of...
View ArticleHow to display variables with consistent decimal places and also do math on...
I've got a game with a wallet that keeps track of how much money the player has, and players can buy things in increments of 25 cents. However, I can't get the wallet to consistently display to two...
View ArticleHow to display variables with consistent decimal places and also do math on...
I've got a game with a wallet that keeps track of how much money the player has, and players can buy things in increments of 25 cents. However, I can't get the wallet to consistently display to two...
View ArticleHow do I change the color of the text links when I hover over them?
I'm using Harlowe and Twine 2. This is what I have in the stylesheet for hovering colour: tw-link:hover { color: 990000 } But, when I hover over the text, the color changes to that cold, light blue. I...
View ArticleHow do I format a link tag to take the reader to a web page in a new tab?
This might be kind of confusing. I want a link (already done) that takes the user to a specific webpage ( but it always opens in the same tab and when it does that, the...
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