How to work with large numbers of randomly generated NPCs
Hi guys, apologies if anything I ask below seems obtuse. I've tried searching various forums without any real success, but I'm not a coder so I'm struggling either way. I'm using Twine 2.x and...
View ArticleHow do i move my text!!
Hi everyone ive been using twine for about a month now and ive been developing a game called "Ressurection city", and i want to make my game look nicer so i wanted to make a cool main menu but i dont...
View Articleendif in 2.0?
What happened to endif: in Twine2? I'm trying to have two different displays depending on whether or not you have a key. (if: $key is "yes")blah blah (if: $key is "no")blah blah blah It shows both...
View ArticleLoop for a limited number of times
I am a complete coding beginner and have spent some time searching the archives but I can't seem to find an answer. I'm using Harlowe and trying to write a passage that loops for a fixed number of...
View ArticleIs there a way to get the same audio file to play across passages? (Harlowe)
I can get an audio file playing using HTML, but it turns off as soon as I change passages. Is there a way to get the same audio file to keep playing even when changing passages? I'm sure it has to be...
View Article(Harlowe) Performing math with random variables
(click: "crumbs")[''You collect some crumbs!''(set: $Cdrop to (random: 1,4))(set: $Crumbs to "$Crumbs + $Cdrop")] As you can see, I am trying to make a random drop system that adds to the overall...
Help please tell me how i upload images on my ios! My story format is halowe 1.2.2
View ArticleAutoloading an autosave with Twine 2/Sugarcube 2
Hey all. Basically what I'm trying to do is load up a title screen in my game, click "Begin" to begin the game, then go to a passage which loads the game's autosave, and if there is no autosave, goes...
View ArticleHow do i make a log in on my game
Is there anyway to make some have to log in and make and account in my game I use halowe 1.2.2
View ArticleFading out/Stopping Looped Music in Passage(s)
Hello, I'm brand spanking new to Twine, but I'm a huge fan of computers and an even bigger fan of telling stories. I'm using the Harlowe story format. I managed to get a sound to loop in the background...
View ArticleCan't seem to edit the visual of tw-link.visited and tw-link.hover [2.0]...
Hi everyone Making my first ever little Twine as a prototype for a potential point-n-click game and am struggling with changing the tw-link.hover and tw-link.visited visuals in the CSS Stylesheet. As...
View ArticleSugarcube 2.7.0 error - Looking for help with JavaScript macro creation.
Hello Twine Community, I've been following the video tutorial series by Vegetarian Zombie. Most recently, I used his Using Macros video to display three player stats at the top of each slide where the...
View ArticleHow can I fade-into a passage, using Snowman?
Hello, I would like to implement the same fade-in transitions for passages that are used in Harlowe and Sugarcube. I have tried to do this using CSS: #passage { transition: 1s linear;...
View Article[Harlowe] How to make a variable name itself?
Let's say I want to create some random characters. One way to do this, in my twisted imagination, is making a $namecreate variable that creates one name, then I would make it dump that name in another...
View ArticleDynamic list of links
Hi, I'm using Sugarcube 2, and I'm display a list of clothing that the user can choose to wear using a <<for>> loop and accessing an pre-configured array variable eg. (formatted to aid...
View ArticleHow To Change The Background To Different Colours
I know how to use (background:), but that just draws a box around the text. And I know how to change the overall background colour using the Stylesheet. However, I do not know how to make background...
View ArticleHarlowe change background color for each passage
I have tried this in the past but to no avail, is there a way to change the background color for each twine page/passage. I know you can use th (background:) macro,...
View ArticleHow to make slow fade-in text on sugarcube?
Hi guys, I would like to know how to make text fade-in slower than the default fade-in on sugarcube. I already can time the initial moment of the fade-in but the fade-in on itself is too fast. I would...
View ArticlePossible to tally/record/analytics people's actions through the dialogue?
I'm trying to get an average or most common path, to recreate it for a live audience. I tried looking at the html that harlowe or sugarcube pushes out and I'm sort of at a loss. I do have JS experience...
View Article(Harlowe) How Do I Change The Font?
I know I can use macros, but they only have some fonts. I would like to use the fonts from Google Fonts, and I have watched this video: However, I have copied and pasted all the code (Import AND...
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