I'm currently using furkle's cycling link macro for Harlowe in Twine 2.0.11 and Harlowe 1.2.2 (on desktop). I have the below code in a passage:
and there are two problems - first, when I test play it, $haircolour is initially set to 0 instead of "Dark". How can I get the variable to be set to the first item in the list? Second, I realised that when I click through the cycling link, $haircolour isn't set to a new variable each time, it just remains as 0. Any ideas how I might go about fixing this?
<tw-link class = 'cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["Dark", "Red", "Blonde", "Light"]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "$haircolour");'>$haircolour</tw-link> hair frames your face.
and there are two problems - first, when I test play it, $haircolour is initially set to 0 instead of "Dark". How can I get the variable to be set to the first item in the list? Second, I realised that when I click through the cycling link, $haircolour isn't set to a new variable each time, it just remains as 0. Any ideas how I might go about fixing this?