Hello! I'm making an inventory system for a game, and since the single inventory page was getting QUITE crowded (and therefore lagging horribly whenever I edit it and/or test it) I decided to make a secondary page for USING whatever items you may have, on a categorical basis. I've been using
I have tried doing:
Is there a way to do this?
(set: $return to "(link-goto: \"Continue\", (history:)'s last)")to get back to the actual game, which has been working quite well for me. What I wanted to know: is there a special syntax for going to history's SECOND last? Just using my usual $return will create and infinite loop between the 'use item' and 'inventory' page, which is not what I want at all.
I have tried doing:
(set: $return to "(link-goto: \"Continue\", (history:)'s second last)") AND (set: $return to "(link-goto: \"Continue\", (history:)'s 2nd last)")but to no real avail.
Is there a way to do this?