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Help with character Sheet

Hey everyone,

First, i am using Twine version 2.0.11 and SugarCube version 2.11.0 (at least thats what appears when i check inside Twine)

On my game, i am trying to create a character sheet for the player.

This needs to be populated by stuff like

Agility: Average

Strength: Good

Stamina : Below Average

Karma: Good

The first thing that came into my mind was to present a different image photoshopped for each situation based on the variables. One for Average, Average, Average, Average... another for Good, Average, Average, Average... you know what i mean.

This creates a lot of images that need to be stored in the game.

Is there a way for twine to put two images together, one in front, another in the background, in order to have always 1 background, and in front you would have the specific Good, Average, Below Average images?

The other way would be to separate the main image in several blocks, one with the stats, the other with the main image, and then have twine "glue" them together, if possible.

I know this is not an easy request for help, my thanks in advance.



[Twine 2.1.3] The content keeps repeating in different parts of the story passage

For some reason, when I click the Play button, all of the work I did gets messed up. It will display the content, but add a copy of the content on different parts of the story passage. Even when I changed the story format, it still happens.

See: (Harlowe 2.0.1)



(Snowman 1.3.0)

Is anyone else having this problem?

failure to set audio property in Google Chrome

Has anyone seen such an error and know how to fix it? The game works on firefox and other browsers but this error shuts the game down.
I have a <<stopallaudio>> command followed by <<audio "mainloop" loop fadein>> command. I had to use stopallaudio because it kept echoing into eternity if you hit the back button then went forward repeatedly.

Formatting a float in Harlowe

I use Twine 2.0 with Harlowe 1.2.4.
Is there a posibility to format a float? I know that working with floats can be a little tricky (e.g. 3.9999999 instead of 4).
I have a variable and its initial value is 100 and I want to substract from that number a different values e.g. 100 - 0.2, but (to avoid this "3.99999" in decimals) now I want to format a result decimal to 2 decimal places (99.80, eventually 99.78). Is it possible to format a decimal to a particular number of decimal places? Maybe the only option is to use javascript.

Basic logic problem

Hi, all!
I have this very basic problem (Harlowe 1.4):

$grille01 is set to zero in the header passage. The current passage is Grille01.
(print: $grille01)
(if: $grille01 < 2)[The grid is rusty, so much so that you'll have to push it.
(set: $grille01 to it + 1)Do you want to [[push the grid|Grille01]] ou [[stop the game|Abandon]] ?]


When I click "push the grid" I go back to Grille01 as designed, but $grille01 is not increased by 1!


Successive crossings of the same passage

Hi, all !

I must keep track of the number of times the player has crossed a given passage, and trigger an event at a certain point. How can I do that? Increment a variable at every crossing? It seems that, when the passage loops on itself (a way to simulate a classic "for" loop) the variable is reset at every turn (it is first set in a "header" passage).

Thanks in advance.

SugarCube 2.18 Trouble with localization. Cannot translate "Saves".

Hello. I want to give player possibility to switch language (from EN to RU and from RU to EN) in game. And I need it for fast checking of translation.
<<link "RU" "Debug">><<script>>
l10nStrings.savesTitle = "Сохранения";
l10nStrings.restartTitle = "Рестарт";
<</script>> <<set $lang = "RU">> <</link>>
<<link "EN" "Debug">><<script>>
l10nStrings.savesTitle = "Saves";
l10nStrings.restartTitle = "Restart";
<</script>> <<set $lang = "EN">> <</link>>
So I changed l10nStrings.saveTitle and other vars but don't see changes in game. When I check this thing by this way:
<<link "Test" "Debug">><<script>>
l10nStrings.savesTitle = "Bla bla";
I see that savesTitle changed to "Bla bla". But in UI bar I see "Saves" (it doesn't change if I toggle between passages).
Do I need to reload UI bar (how?) or something like this?
Thank you.

Help with CSS StyleSheet

Hello, I have been playing around with Twine 2 for a while and started to play with the CSS Stylesheet. Is there a way to change the color of click links? I.E.

Hello there.
(click-replace: "Hello")[Die]

I saw in the HTML that this was called <tw-enchantment> but when i try to edit it, nothing happens.
I am using Harlowe 2.0.1
Please Help
Thank you

Can you use random events to change tags.

I was wondering if you would be able to say have a random number and then if the number was say, 1 then add tag happy.
I tried using the following code but it came up with this error: "Error: <<if>>: assignment operator found within <<if>> clause (perhaps you meant to use an equality operator: ==, ===, eq, is), invalid: $random="1" add tag happy"
<<print random(1,2)>>
<<if $random="1" add tag happy>><</if>>

Pulling the 'name' from a name/value pair

Hi All,

First time poster so hopefully I do this right.

Twine 2.0.11, Sugarcube 2.8.0

I've created an array and successfully sorted it like so:
<<set _statroll = [["will",random(1,20) +$player.will],
["str", random(1,20) +$player.str],
["dex", random(1,20) +$player.dex],
["con",random(1,20) +$player.con],
["wis",random(1,20) +$player.wis],
["int",random(1,20) +$player.int],
["chr",random(1,20) +$player.chr]

before:<<print _statroll >>

<<print _statroll.sort(function(a,b){return a[1] - b[1];})>>
<<print _statroll [6]>>

My goal is to determine the maximum roll each time this passage is visited and provide different options based on what that maximum was.

My issue is that when I print the _statroll[6] I'll get something like "will, 13" when all I really want to see is "will".

Is there a way to do that?

Any help is appreciated.


Is this a link, or not?

Hi, all!

This is part of a passage's code (the meaning of the French words is not important):
(set: $grille01 to it + 1)Voulez-vous [[[b]continuer à pousser la grille[/b]|Grille01]] ou [[[i]abandonner le jeu[/i]|Abandon]] ?

The bold text and the text in italics are both links, and they work as such. Yet the bold text is not displayed as a link, it has another color. What is it and how can I give it a link's color? I'm using Harlowe 1.2.4.

Thanks in advance.

Browser version froze, lost a huge chunk of my story

Title says it all. Is there any hope of recovering this? I have to have this story done by Friday and the amount lost would take me at least until then to replace, let alone finish the rest of it.

I've already accepted that I'm screwed, so if there's no way to get it back, it's no big deal (for anyone but me).

Show 2 random options among a longer list (Snowman)

Hi everyone,

I am trying to build a very simple CYOA on Twine 2.
As soon as I start the story I would like to have several passages, but I want the users to see only two of them chosen randomly among them every time they reload the page.
By doing that the same user could play more than one time and it will be likely to have different outcomes every time.

At the moment I am using Snowman and I tried to use "print either" or "display either", but the results are both confusing and disappointing (see the pic attached).
I am ok to change story format if necessary, but I was using Snowman as it is more "clean" and it behaves better when embedded inside my website.

Thanks in advance for your help,


Arrows linking passages not visible in Story Map

Hey everyone,

I'm on Sugarcube 2.14, and when I have multiple links in a passage that link to the same passage - for example:
[[Attempt to escape->no choice]]
[[Fight the bogblobs->no choice]]

When I do this, in the story map, the arrow between this passage and the "bluggKOd" passage isn't visible. Is this a bug?

Trying to make links disappear with variables


It's my first time using variables and I've run into an issue I wonder if anyone could assist with. I hope this comes out making sense! I'm on SugarCube2.14

In the situation the player is posed a question and has five possible choices of answer. One is correct and will lead out of the "loop", and every other answer will lead to a passage with text specific to that answer, with the same choices as before minus the one they just clicked.

My attempt to do this was the following: I have two passages: startpage and startpage2.

In startpage the first link is
[[Pray?->startpage2][$pray to "true"]]

and in startpage2 I put
<<if $pray is true>>'That may be the dumbest thing I've heard all day, and trust me, I've heard a LOT of dumb sh*t today.'<</if>>

I did the same for the other resulting answers, and for the choices displayed in startpage2 I put
<<if $pray is false>>[[Pray?]]<</if>>
so that it won't display when you have already clicked it in startpage.

Anyone know if this is the right approach, or am I completely mad? I must be somewhat mad, because my version doesn't work - the startpage2 answer doesn't display.

Another issue I see with this is the empty space created by the hidden answers in startpage2.

I would really appreciate any help with this. Cheers,

getting an error when running twine.

this happened when I tried to run twine today. I checked my chrome for that extension and I didn't have one with that ID. Other than that I don't know what to do.
Message: Cannot set property 'id' of undefined
File: unknown
Line: unknown
Column: unknown
TypeError: Cannot set property 'id' of undefined at IMPORT_STORY (chrome-extension://jbeclgngiacjdjjokiegbkjcpibcdcic/twine.js:40:12189) at i.(anonymous function) (chrome-extension://jbeclgngiacjdjjokiegbkjcpibcdcic/twine.js:84:5845) at r.value (chrome-extension://jbeclgngiacjdjjokiegbkjcpibcdcic/twine.js:84:4841) at dispatch (chrome-extension://jbeclgngiacjdjjokiegbkjcpibcdcic/twine.js:84:4102) at importStory (chrome-extension://jbeclgngiacjdjjokiegbkjcpibcdcic/twine.js:9:14310) at chrome-extension://jbeclgngiacjdjjokiegbkjcpibcdcic/twine.js:41:15776 at chrome-extension://jbeclgngiacjdjjokiegbkjcpibcdcic/twine.js:41:15665 at Object.loadAll (chrome-extension://jbeclgngiacjdjjokiegbkjcpibcdcic/twine.js:41:15822) at chrome-extension://jbeclgngiacjdjjokiegbkjcpibcdcic/twine.js:52:31866 at Object.init (chrome-extension://jbeclgngiacjdjjokiegbkjcpibcdcic/twine.js:53:101)

Combining 2 or more Twine text Macros

I want a specific word to be red AND flash while using the twine macros (text-color:) and (text-style:). Any ideas, guys?

New Sugarcube release : StoryInterface special passage

Thanks a lot Thomas, for your last release of Sugarcube 2.18.0.
I'm a little bit puzzled with the new StoryInterface special passage. Could you give us a little practical example on how to use it ?

SugarCube 2.18.0 — more granular control over audio play/stop/fade etc?

Bear with me on this as I'll try to explain my situation as clearly as I can —

My game has background music associated with different sections of the "world." As the narrative structure of the game isn't linear, it's possible for the player to approach different areas in different orders; to compensate this I have a macro that fades out the currently-playing audio
<<audio ":playing" fadeoverto 2 0>>

and then the background track associated with the zone comes in on top
<<audio "CharacterCreation_A" loop play>>

This works fine except that I also have audio effects associated with clicking buttons and other UI elements, and I belatedly realised that they are also impacted by the :playing catchall — because duh, of course they would be.

My question is — is there a better way that I can do this in order to fade out the background music but not disrupt the UI audio effects? The only way I can think at the moment would be to hard code all of them like
<<audio "CharacterCreation_A" fadeoverto 2 0>>
<<audio "Zone_A" fadeoverto 2 0>>
<<audio "Zone_B" fadeoverto 2 0>>
<<audio "Zone_C" fadeoverto 2 0>>

etc etc so that it covers any tracks that might happen to be playing at the moment, but that's tedious and I'm hoping there's a smarter way to manage it. Maybe with the playlists? Can, for example, I put all of the audio in a playlist and trigger a fadeoverto macro on that playlist even if the audio track is playing separately to the playlist itself?

Let me know if this makes no sense.

Testing 2.1.3

The new releases are coming... 2.1.2 and now 2.1.3 in one week-end. I have tested rapidly the last one. And I can use it, for the first time in the 2.1. series ! Thanks.

I used it on a Linux 64 system with both online and locally installed versions. One thing keeps a little bit annoying : no automatic creation of the new passages... When I use [[New passage]] I see a link from the precedent passage with the infamous red cross at it's end. I then have to create the new passage manually... and after that all the links are in order.

I have seen that the new Harlowe format has now a black background. Is this a feature ?
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