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Background Music in Harlowe

Hi all, I've made a few Twine fictions using Twine 2 (whatever the most recent is, it's all updated on my computer) and Harlowe 1.2.1. I am fairly dedicated to using Harlowe, since I do well with the macros and don't have time right now to teach myself a whole new story format.

I am looking to include just one sound in my story if possible. I just want an ambient soundtrack of "space noises" in the background of the passages. It is about 14 minutes long, so if the reader continues to play I would like the soundtrack to loop if possible. It doesn't need to change based on passage, just keep playing in the background. Is there a way to do this in Harlowe? I know that everyone here argues that SugarCube is better for sound, but I'm hoping that since this is fairly straightforward, someone can help me manage it in Harlowe.


How do I get rid of a broken link?

I'm using Twine 2 Harlowe. For some reason, I have a problem where the links on some of my pages aren't clickable. They are red when I simulate the game and instead of letting me click on them they display a "banned" symbol (like the no smoking sign without the cigarette) when hovered over. Because of this there's no way I can continue the game. I've attached a screenshot of my Start page for convenience. Is there something wrong I'm doing? Thanks!

Going back to the very last passage with Harlowe

I'm trying to make a large document which has many index pages. Because the document is supposed to be rather sprawling, many mentions of certain topics will then link to those topics so that you don't have to go hunting for them elsewhere if you want clarification.

Normally, you could simply make a 'back' button by making a link which goes to the last passage, but that becomes more complex when there can be more than one possible passage that you came from. I've looked around, and previous() came up, but that's obviously for Sugarcube, and I'm using Harlowe.

So; how would I make a button which goes to the last passage the user was on?

Broken images

Hey everyone!

Sorry if this as an incredibly dumb question, but I just can't figure it out on my own.

I've been working on a story and about two months ago I wanted to put a cover image for my story on the first page. I also wanted the image to be a link to the next passage. So I used the following code to refer to an image in the public folder of my dropbox:
<<link [img[https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/71163899/ouroboros (words%201024px).jpg][Ouroboros]]>>

This worked perfectly. The image displayed and the link worked. Until I checked it about a week ago and it was broken. I hadn't changed anything and the image was still in the public folder on Dropbox. So what on Earth happened? is it possible that Dropbox has changed the way the public folder works?

Thanks in advance, you people are so wonderful at helping me with my silly issues.

- Ben

Audio - Turn off/on option in [Sugarcube 2]? Where to upload?

Right now I'm using the audio macro. Can I give the reader/player an option to mute all audio? If there is not, can I make an option in the UI bar (below saves and restart) that basically turns a variable off (and also stops all audio) or on so that I can check before playing audio if sound is turned on? I've tried some #ui-bar and Setting.addToggle stuff but I don't know how to make it work.

I have tried the Youtube Background Music thing then I found out it's for Twine 1. I guess I'll have to put the audio somewhere else. Most free webhosters seem to have something against hosting music. Obviously some Twine stories do have audio. So where can I upload music for free so that my story can play it?

[Twine 2.0.11] [Sugarcube 1.0.34] Yet Another Image Map Question

I've seen quite a few old threads on using image maps, and while my coding abilities are out of date and never were too advanced to begin with, I DID manage to get what I was doing with it all figured out... (here it comes...)
...but it just. Won't. Work.
I'm using a local image, and a testing project file to figure it out sans screwing up the main project, but ARGH.
this is for testing purposes.

<html><map name="testporch">
<area shape="rect" coords=10,0,75,60" data-passage="windowsit">
<area shape="rect" coords=100,0,180,60" data-passage="farntdoors">
<area shape="rect" coords=360,10,400,90" data-passage="ilikeplants">
<img usemap="#testporch" src="images/mansporch.gif"></html>

The other passages exist, the file is there, and I've also tried the code with the data-passages starting with hashtags.
The image shows up just fine.
The mouse goes to the link mode over the right places on the image.
Clicking on the area locations does...... nothing. If I have the #'s, it alters the location path in the browser to show "#windowsit" or the like, but does not move me to another passage.

What the flaming chicken mcnuggets am I doing wrong? XD
(the image is a low-detail placeholder for the eventual map image) (yes, i know any size changes will change the coordinates)

Help creating a UI

Hi I'm new to twine and CSS and after looking around the net I can't seem to find the info I am looking for. I want to create a custom UI for my game and I'm not sure how to do it. This is only a learning game to help me get the hang of twine for later games and the UI i'm looking for is probably to advanced for me right now but I still want to know how to do it. The sugarcube 2 UI isn't that nice so I "IMO" mocked up a pic of a nicer one. If anyone can help me I would much appreciate it.

Permanently Changing a Variable as the Result of a Choice

I have decision points that not only advance the story, but also change a variable. The code I've used so far helps me exit the if statement, but it doesn't permanently change the variable. I need to be able to track it over the course of the story.

(set:$1st to 1)
(if:$1st is 1)[
(link: "A) \“Hello .... District\”")[
(set:$1st to 2)
(replace: ?choice)[“Hello ... District.”]]
(link:"B) \“Good .... cause.\”")[
(set:$1st to 2)
(replace: ?choice)[“Good .... cause.”]]

[Harlowe] Passage Within Variable Doesn't Work


I just joined a game dev team as a writer and have been getting used to Twine within the last few days by writing out quests from other games.

In a current "exercise" (with the Bait and Switch quest from Dragon Age 2) I tried this:
(if: $party is "Carver")[ FENRIS: You are skilled. [[I know that much.->Carver Defends Hawke]] ]
(else:)[ FENRIS: You are skilled. [[I know that much.->Fenris Apologises For Being An Arse]] ]

I have a
(set: $party to "Carver")
in the beginning but whenever I reach the above point in the conversation I won't get to either passage I've linked to. The story just ends there, too, which it's not supposed to.

Or this:
(if: $party is "Varric")[ HAWKE: I could stand to know a little more about this [[Danarius.->Fenris Tells About Danarius 2.0]] ]
(else:)[ HAWKE: I could stand to know a little more about this [[Danarius.->Fenris Tells About Danarius]] ]]

The "Fenris Tells About Danarius 2.0" is the same conversation, only with Varric chiming in with a comment. Both eventually lead back to the same passage since it's a loop dialogue option. But even if I choose to take Varric with me in the beginning--I do have a
(set: $party to "Varric")
--I go to "Fenris Tells About Danarius" immediately, then back to the dialogue choices.

I don't know if it's just me or if it's that passage links don't work with variables or whatever. Gender variables changing pronouns work. Different conversations because the player chose a different class in the beginning work as well. I'm a bit clueless.

Thanks in advance for any answers.

Temp variables in hooks

I'm using Twine 2.1.1 w/ Harlowe.

I have a temp variable called "_parser" that lives in a "header" passage. I want to use this to style certain lines of text that are meant to be in a "narrator voice" which talks to the reader, different from the regular text of the story.
(set: _parser to (text-colour: yellow))

I use this like so in passages, which works fine:
Jane pets her cat. _parser[Do you have cat?]

But when I try this:
_parser[You're going to love this part.]

[CONTINUE]<cont| (click-replace:?cont)[Jane pets her cat. _parser[Do you have a cat?]]

I get the runtime message "There isn't a temp variable named _parser in this place." Is there any way to get the inside-the-hook reference to the temp variable to know about the global one in the header? Is that the problem? Thanks for the help!

[Harlowe] Passage Within Variable Doesn't Work


I just joined a game dev team as a writer and have been getting used to Twine within the last few days by writing out quests from other games.

In a current "exercise" (with the Bait and Switch quest from Dragon Age 2) I tried this:
(if: $party is "Carver")[ FENRIS: You are skilled. [[I know that much.->Carver Defends Hawke]] ]
(else:)[ FENRIS: You are skilled. [[I know that much.->Fenris Apologises For Being An Arse]] ]

I have a
(set: $party to "Carver")
in the beginning but whenever I reach the above point in the conversation I won't get to either passage I've linked to. The story just ends there, too, which it's not supposed to.

Or this:
(if: $party is "Varric")[ HAWKE: I could stand to know a little more about this [[Danarius.->Fenris Tells About Danarius 2.0]] ]
(else:)[ HAWKE: I could stand to know a little more about this [[Danarius.->Fenris Tells About Danarius]] ]]

The "Fenris Tells About Danarius 2.0" is the same conversation, only with Varric chiming in with a comment. Both eventually lead back to the same passage since it's a loop dialogue option. But even if I choose to take Varric with me in the beginning--I do have a
(set: $party to "Varric")
--it goes to "Fenris Tells About Danarius" immediately, then back to the dialogue choices.

I don't know if it's just me or if it's that passage links don't work with variables or whatever. Gender variables changing pronouns work. Different conversations because the player chose a different class in the beginning work as well. I'm a bit clueless.

Thanks in advance for any answers.

Temp variables in hooks

I'm using Twine 2.1.1 w/ Harlowe.

I have a temp variable called "_parser" that lives in a "header" passage. I want to use this to style certain lines of text that are meant to be in a "narrator voice" which talks to the reader, different from the regular text of the story.
(set: _parser to (text-colour: yellow))

I use this like so in passages, which works fine:
Jane pets her cat. _parser[Do you have cat?]

But when I try this:
_parser[You're going to love this part.]

[CONTINUE]<cont| (click-replace:?cont)[Jane pets her cat. _parser[Do you have a cat?]]

I get the runtime message "There isn't a temp variable named _parser in this place." Is there any way to get the inside-the-hook reference to the temp variable to know about the global one in the header? Is that the problem? Thanks for the help!

Disabling (click:) links, without reloading page, without replacing original text (Harlowe)

Hey all. I signed up to ask this since I've found similar examples solved, but I have a specific question that I can't seem to find a solution for.

I want to have a dynamic link system that creates a sense of urgency in a passage. The reader should be able to click certain words (in the sentences) that act as options, and have more text appear in the passage. The problem is, I want the other options given to them to disappear as well, not just the one they clicked.

I know I can accomplish this by replacing the text of the other links, ergo:
This is a test. There are two options. []<continue|
(click-append: "test")[(append: ?continue)[You clicked the first option. (replace: "options")[inert text]]]
(click-append: "options")[append: ?continue)[You clicked the second option. (replace: "test")[inert text]]]
I've done this as a workaround in the past but it's annoying unless I can find something that the player won't notice, and even them it's a bit of a clumsy workaround.

I also know you can achieve this "updating" effect by refreshing a page using (goto:) on itself. I can't really do that either, as I'm using a piece of code I wrote that "typewrites" the text on the screen for effect, and refreshing the page would start that all over again.

I've tried outsourcing the code portion to another passage, with conditions surrounding the click options, and having the code redisplay itself. But this hasn't worked either--the links that are already created stay there, even if the condition that lets it create the link is no longer true. For clarity, here's the code for that:
This text is for testing purposes. Can I create multiple click points in the text and later revoke them without changing the affected text?

(set: $switch = 0)


(replace: ?code)[(display: "Code1")]
And the outsourced "Code1" passage:
{(if: $switch is 0)[
	(click-replace: "revoke")[\
		(set: $switch = 1)\
		(replace: ?code)[(display: "Code1")]\
	(click-replace: "affected")[\
		(set: $swtich = 1)\
		(replace: ?code)[(display: "Code1")]\

I'm really stumped here. I know I'm asking for the moon, but if I got this part working as intended, it would be so satisfying. I plan to use it to present the player with "action sequences" where the live text presents them links that they need to click on quickly (like steering oneself through dangerous whitewater rapids) and have the passage unfold from there. But I need to make sure they can't click multiple options.

getting an error when running twine.

this happened when I tried to run twine today. I checked my chrome for that extension and I didn't have one with that ID. Other than that I don't know what to do.
Message: Cannot set property 'id' of undefined
File: unknown
Line: unknown
Column: unknown
TypeError: Cannot set property 'id' of undefined at IMPORT_STORY (chrome-extension://jbeclgngiacjdjjokiegbkjcpibcdcic/twine.js:40:12189) at i.(anonymous function) (chrome-extension://jbeclgngiacjdjjokiegbkjcpibcdcic/twine.js:84:5845) at r.value (chrome-extension://jbeclgngiacjdjjokiegbkjcpibcdcic/twine.js:84:4841) at dispatch (chrome-extension://jbeclgngiacjdjjokiegbkjcpibcdcic/twine.js:84:4102) at importStory (chrome-extension://jbeclgngiacjdjjokiegbkjcpibcdcic/twine.js:9:14310) at chrome-extension://jbeclgngiacjdjjokiegbkjcpibcdcic/twine.js:41:15776 at chrome-extension://jbeclgngiacjdjjokiegbkjcpibcdcic/twine.js:41:15665 at Object.loadAll (chrome-extension://jbeclgngiacjdjjokiegbkjcpibcdcic/twine.js:41:15822) at chrome-extension://jbeclgngiacjdjjokiegbkjcpibcdcic/twine.js:52:31866 at Object.init (chrome-extension://jbeclgngiacjdjjokiegbkjcpibcdcic/twine.js:53:101)

Range of Variables for If Statements (Harlowe 2.0)

I'm looking to add a meter, like a build-up of energy, and I'm struggling to find how to write out the if statement to compared a range of values.

To give an idea of what I mean, I want to display certain text when the variable number of $energy is between either 0-25, 26-50, 51-75, 75-99, or just plan over 100.

I've tried to use it simply by using (if:$energy is >=0) and so on, but it doesn't seem to work poperly, and any values over 25 still next the text for when it's over 0.

Any ideas how to do this? Harlowe 2.0, by the by.

How to fix broken links

Hello. I am new to twine and have downloaded Twine for desktop today. I do not know the version as it does not say.

I have spent all day creating a story and had finished. I went to make changes to the text and from the start box I have lost the arrows which connect the boxes in order. Additionally all the boxes have also jumped around the screen.

Can you please help? Is there a way to revert back to any saved sessions so I can get the original work back?

Why have the lines disappeared from the start box but only on some of the connected boxes?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Help displaying a dynamic list on a page

Okay, I give up.

I've got a group of characters and a list of locations. Based on how far my players have progressed with each character's plot, each character could be in a different place, and who the character may have to visit to continue a specific character's plot may change.

I am trying to build something that will generate this list automatically. Each location could either be empty, have a character present, and talking to that character would progress THAT character's plot, or have a character present, and talking to that character would progress ANOTHER character's plot.

Right now, what I have is a whole ugly mess of if statements that is horrible to work with. Ideally what I would like is something where I can put the plot states in one place and have a widget or something refer to that to see who is where when as it builds the list, but I have no idea how to do that. I've been playing around with various ways to do this, but I haven't found a solution that works. I can finagle something, but it always seems to end up being if/then statements somewhere instead of a clean loop referencing something like an array.

I can provide code when I'm not about to run out the door if anyone has suggestions or questions.

Thanks in advance!

[Harlowe 1.2.3] Changing a Variable on a Link (Setter Links)?

Just starting out on Twine, so I'm not committed to Harlowe 1.2.3 (it just appears to be the default), so if this is easier to accomplish with another story format I have no qualms changing.

I'm trying to track a few variables across your choices, and once you reach the end, display a result based on your highest variable. From my reading this appears to be referred to as a setter link, but I can't seem to nail down the proper syntax.

Here's what a really basic example of what I would like to accomplish:

Choice 1 (variable A increases by 1) -> Next Passage
Choice 2 (variable B increases by 1) -> Next Passage
Choice 3 (variable C increases by 1) -> Next Passage

Next Passage
(A is highest) You prefer A
(B is highest) You prefer B
(C is highest) You prefer C

Hope that's clear.

Permanently Changing a Variable as the Result of a Choice

I have decision points that not only advance the story, but also change a variable. The code I've used so far helps me exit the if statement, but it doesn't permanently change the variable. I need to be able to track it over the course of the story.

(set:$1st to 1)
(if:$1st is 1)[
(link: "(A) \“Hello .... District\”")[
(set:$1st to 2)
(replace: ?choice)[“Hello ... District.”]]
(link: "\“Good .... cause.\”")[
(set:$1st to 2)
(replace: ?choice)[“Good .... cause.”]]

Help creating a UI

Hi I'm new to twine and CSS and after looking around the net I can't seem to find the info I am looking for. I want to create a custom UI for my game and I'm not sure how to do it. This is only a learning game to help me get the hang of twine for later games and the UI i'm looking for is probably to advanced for me right now but I still want to know how to do it. The sugarcube 2 UI isn't that nice so I IMO mocked up a pic of a nicer one. If anyone can help me I would much appreciate it.
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