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Moving Text?

Hello again!
I have a small sample of jeopardy game and for some reason the passage header text is moving every time I click a link.
I spent a night tweaking the css but I can't solve it...
The header text "Jeopardy" was supposed to be fixed at the center and the boxed link was supposed to just appear every time the player is on the question or answer passage and not show when it's on the jeopardy passage.

Twine 2.1.0 (MacOS Download)
SugarCube 2.16.0

Sugarcube and 360° image.

I've got a question about the possibility to add 360° image in twine 2.1 with sugarcube 2.1x.

Is it possible ?

I mean I saw some "js" plugin on the net (here and here for exemple) and I would like to implement them in my work.


New to Twine: Need step-by-step help to add music & background image


Hello all!,

I am excited to be here & looking forward to making a good Twine game!..
I know there are posts here about adding music, I did search
However none were successful & more importantly, as I noob I do not understand the steps..

Anyone who can give me a quick step-by-step on adding music to my Twine?


Help with multiple/overlapping links in the same passage.(Twine2.0/Harlowe)

Fairly new to Twine and after searching through the Forums I couldn't find anything that helped. This is on Twine 2.0 and I'm using Harlowe. So basically I have this:

The subway station is cold and dark.

You look at your (link: "watch")[watch.

The train is now 20 minutes (link: "late")[ late.]

Where the hell is this train?]

So what I'm trying to do is have it go almost line by line if that makes sense. The first two lines appear at the start then when you click watch, the next line appears. In that line you click late and the final line appears. However, after trying to connect certain opening brackets to closing brackets I still cannot find a way to accomplish this. When you play the text I have above now clicking watch reveals the next two sentences and clicking late does nothing. I've tried deleting certain brackets then adding them back to connect to the highlighted opening bracket but it still doesn't work. Any advice/help would be greatly appreciated.

Twine will not start

Im running lubuntu. I download twine and click on the twine file. It wants me to choose a program to run it with. I choose firefox and it downloads the twine file instead of starting Twine in the browser. So how to get it up and running?

Harlowe Random Event formatting help

Hello all!
I'm attempting to use the (either: "event1" , "event2") function. But I want to be able to include quotation marks in the event text. For example, I'd like to say something like:

The referee flipped the coin and shouted, "Heads!"


The referee flipped the coin and shouted, "Tails!"

However, I can't do this because the additional quotations confuses the program. I tried formatting it as such:

The referee flipped the coin and shouted, (either: ""Heads!"" , ""Tails!"")

Does anyone have an idea how I can still be allowed to use quotation marks in these "either" statements? Thanks a bunch!

Link arrows not being displayed in planning view

I've noticed a persistent, but intermittent issue where sometimes the lines showing links between passages do not appear. Mostly this seems to occur when I'm doing aliased links ([[click here to goto awesome passage|awesome passage]] style) and burying links in conditional logic, but once it happens on a given passage even throwing an unaliased link ([[awesome passage]] outside conditionals won't get the line to show up).

Note that at runtime everything works and links will take the player to the appropriate passage when used

On its own this issues is... minorly annoying, but what's really irksome is that, as a side effect, the system won't create new passages for me by name the way it normally does to prevent broken links/aid development.

I tried searching through the forums but didn't see anything, is this a known bug/is there a workaround/fix planned?

Print keeps returning object as undefined

I'm currently just trying to create an object using 'edit javascript' and subsequently printing it in the passage but it keeps returning the object as undefined.

In Javascript:
var playerLook = {name: "Project", surname: "Endermis"};

In Passage:
<<print $playerLook.name>>

Redirect to new passage? Twine 2.0 Harlowe

I've tried to look find how to fix my problem but I can't seem to find the right answer.

Basically what I'm trying to do is have the player reach a point in my game where they're allowed to restart. But on their 2nd attempt, I want the game to remember this and as they reach the same point where they restarted at in their first attempt, should they decide to attempt to restart again, it'll lead them to a new passage.

To make it clearer: Player wakes up and starts at his house. He decides to go into the forest. After a few passages, he has the option to go back home or to go deeper in the forest. If he goes home, he goes to sleep and wakes up again in his house and starts over from the beginning.

If he decides to go back home, he is in the beginning again which is waking up and starting at the house then going into the forest. After a few passages, he has the option to go back home or to go deeper in the forest. But this time, if he decides to go home again, he dies.
What I want to is to have the game remember that he decided to go home once already, and if he decides to do it again -- it'll take him to a new passage that pretty much says he's dead.

Is there a way to do this without set codes or creating way more passages? I just want a way to re-direct to a new passage. I want the game to remember that he came back home once and if he decides to choose to go back home yet again, it'll take him to a new passage than one he would of gotten if he chose to go deeper into the forest.

Remove element id with Sugarcube 2.14

Is there a way to delete the id value from an element without resorting to javascript/custom macros? I did it with javascript so I don't need help with a solution, but I think it's ugly.

making a usable link

I am making a twine for a class project, and I cannot figure out how to create a usable link that I can send to my professor for her to view my twine. When I click "publish to file" a page of a bunch of letters and numbers comes up... like some type of code. I clicked "use it online" when I first started so that might be my issue? I am a first time user so this may be a dumb question, but need some help here! thank you!

Publish to file not working correctly on Safari please help!!


I made a twine on Safari for a project for class, and when I clicked "publish to file" it gave me a weird HTML code (see attached file). Anyway, my teacher can't grade my assignment, and I tried to copy and paste the link into firefox and google chrome on the same computer and it still isn't working (I think it's because I used safari originally and twine doesn't recognize it as the same?)

If you have any idea how to fix this please let me know! my grade depends on this

Thank you in advance for your help!!!!

Feature request - more informative link arrows between passages

Because I'm more comfortable with a more featured programing language (even if javascript is a giant pile of terrible) and I keep adding game-type complexity to my twine story I find myself falling back to macros + javascript to generate many of my passages.

This is fine and works well enough (really wish I could have the javascript view visible at the same time as browsing passages, oh well) but it makes the overview page somewhat misleading as twine is unable to suss out links between passages that are being generated entirely in javascript.

Parsing function calls to suss out what they would generate, while an interesting problem, is probably excessively out of scope for twine development, but would it be possible to add a feature where, as a story writer, I could manually add arrow links between passages just for my own recordkeeping? They could/should be a different color to signify their comment rather than deduced nature, but it would still be nice to have.

Related, it would be quite nice if, rather than all passage links being the style of arrow, there were two types - the current "solid" arrows for links that are always possible, and a dotted-line arrow for links that are conditional (ie: appearing in if/else/switch statements), even fancier to incorporate the same for goto's.

If there's interest in the above I might be willing to help on the development side - I hate UI development with the combined nuclear intensity of every star in the galaxy but if someone wanted to pair up with me to handle that side of things and just dump the parsing logic on my plate I could code that back-end logic.

passages overlapping using the online version

Hello, I am new to twine and for various reasons am limited to using the online version. I am having an issue with where the passages are generating in my twine. They seem to be stacking on top of one another and I would like to move them into different spots so I can clearly see them. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thank you!

Make a CSS HTML templates for all pages

I have made a template in CSS and HTML to make my project more beautiful (Inventory, avatar, style, ...)
But I don't want to copy/paste this code at each passage for the reason that if i make a change in my template, I want this change affect all passages
How can i do this ?

Thanks for your help

Harlowe 2.0 - Using (prompt: " " ) to making an answer on pre-set variable

Hi guys

So I'm fairly new to Twine, and completely noob with coding. I am currently making an interactive story meant for kids at a museum. In this story, the kids will have to help the character with some calculus. Now, I would like to use the dialog box that's enabled by the (prompt: " ") macro to help give the kids the ability to answer instead of making the far easier multiple choice.

I.e. "Peter has to earn money for a new pair of boots that costs 10 USD. How long will he have to save money for the boots when he earns 25 cents a week?

Since the (prompt:) can be used to set the value of a variable, I was wondering if it could also be used as a gateway in the sense that the kids have to put the correct pre-set value (40) into the dialog box, they will have to continue guessing until they get the correct value.

I have no idea whether its even possible, but this is what I got so far and it's not working:

(set: $value to 40) [(put: (prompt: "Hvad er svaret?") into $value)[(if: $value is 40)(set: $value to true)(goto: "correct answer")]
(else:)[(goto: "wrong answer|retry")]

Rolf (DK)

[harlowe] How to add comments to my passages?

I'm trying a new game, but it's becoming so complicated that I rely on memory to know what each passage does and why. Is there a way to add comments, like you can in other languages?

How do you regex an entire page before it outputs to reader? [Sugarcube 2.1]

Hi. Thanks for all your help.

I've been writing stuff using a lot of twinescript and I just realised I need to run a regex at the end to clean up some grammar mistakes.

Is the text printed into Twinescript saved to a variable somewhere before it's output to the page? I could just regex that in javascript. Alternatively, is there a way to make a replace function fire on the entire passage or an entire element right before it becomes visible to the reader using TwineScript somehow?

TLDR: This is basically my problem. How do I fix it without changing anything inside the print macro?
<<print "I want to edit this text so that an big elephant becomes a big elephant">>

What is the scope of variables created in passages vs. story javascript? Twine 2.1.0, Harlowe 1.2.3

Hello all,
I just started experimenting with Twine/Harlowe and noticed that a variable that is set in a particular passage seems to be forgotten after the player hits the 'back' arrow (Harlowe's CSS back arrow, not the browser back button). The execution flow is as follows:
(set: $bool_var to false) //this occurs in the start passage, and should be the default value
*user clicks link to a passage that presents them with a set of navigation choices, one of which will set $bool_var to true*
*user clicks link to the passage that sets $bool_var to true*
(set: $bool_var to true)
*user hits 'back' arrow*
*user clicks link to a different passage in which $bool_var is read*
(if: $bool_var is false)[bool_var is false](else:)[bool_var is true]
*user sees "bool_var is false"*

I tried adding a path from the passage where $bool_var is set true directly to the passage where it is read, and that resulted in the expected "bool_var is true" output.

I thought variables throughout Twine projects were global unless specifically attached to a passage, but this result suggests that hitting the back arrow somehow reverts the previous assignment. I guess that could be either a matter of scope or a function of the back arrow that I'm not familiar with. Anyway, what explains this behavior and how can I make my variables (and modifications to those variables) persist through user navigation using back/forward arrows?

Changing days on life sim games

Hello. I am new to Twine( I am using Sugarcube2.14) and wanted to develop a life sim game. It is pretty simple and has only 2 locations right now so it isn't that complex. However I can't wrap my head around how to transition from one day to another.

Should I use a central passage with a BIG for loop with if statements to check whether the conditions for an event are being met? Or is there a more elegant way of doing it.
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