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The Big Grey ask a question button does not actually post an 'Ask a Question' thread

As the title says, the grey button seen here:


Brings you to the new discussion page, not the Ask a Question page.

As a result I posted my first thread without a Question marker on it, as I was at then unaware of the exact difference, and no one realized I needed help; - ;

May this understandable yet glaring error be fixed in the near future, and may I repost my thread without harm?

Anything I should know if I want to make a standalone android app?

Basically what I want to do is make an android apk once I get done writing. Something that can stand alone be installed and no 'open your file manager and go to' just double tap and go.

What do I need to keep in mind for that as an end goal?

Features I know I will want regardless of language used. Maybe doable in a story wide stylesheet?

Any sort of save/load/chapter functions on a slide open from the side to maximize screen real estate.

Fixed orientation. That is if my phone/tablet tilts the thing stays in portrait orientation rather than trying to reorient all the text.

Some way for the app to remember current position if you exit out then reopen or switch apps and go back after it's been unloaded from memory by android.

I have a story in mind but I do not know what I will need features wise. This is all aimed at the medium it is presented in.

How to take a link from twine and open on Mac

How do I take a link of a story in playmode and open it on a Mac? It comes up empty when I try to copy and paste it. Am using Chrome on the Mac.

Publishing Twine Game Help

How do I publish a Twine game on my own website? There must be some sort of simple solution to this, but I can't figure it out.

When I try to embed the code of the HTML file on my site, it shows up all messed up, and without any of the CSS.

All I want is to have one page of my website be devoted entirely to the Twine game. Like Those We Love Alive on Porpentine's site:

I want it to look the same way it does when someone downloads the file and then opens it in their browser, only instead of downloading the file, they would just go to a page on my website.

How do I do that?

My website is made with Weebly, for the record.

Tracking Keyboard Inputs? (Harlowe)

I want the player to be able to enter the Konami Code on a certain passage with the arrow keys, the B and A keys, and the Enter key. Once they do this, text saying "Yeah, that won't work here." will show up. How can I do that in Harlowe?

Keeping track of how the player has died?

I'll get right to the point. My game has an achievement for dying in every possible way (of which there are 11). I tried using (set:$deaths to +1) on death screens, but that allows the player to repeatedly die in the same way and get the achievement. So, my question is "How can I count how many times the player has died in different ways, and not just deaths in general?"

I am currently using Harlowe.

How to disable autosave (make refresh = restart)?

I'm using Twine 2, Sugarcube 2.
When I publish the file and upload it to my site, the refresh button (or closing and reopening the link, for that matter), doesn't restart the game. So I assume some kind of autosave setting is enabled in my Twine game. How do I turn it off?

Can't change textbox (text input) width

I'm using Twine 2, Sugarcube 2.

I have a passage where I use <<textbox, and I'm trying to change the width (make it narrower).

This is the CSS I'm using:
input, input:focus, input:hover {background-color: #000;
color: #f0f0f0;
font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 100%;
border: 1px solid #f0f0f0;
min-width: 8em;
max-width: 8em;
width: 8em;}

But this only changes the width for when I'm hovering on the text box, or clicking inside it. Its default (no focus, no hover) size, however, remains the same.

What can I do?

control CSS-positioning via variable (SC 2)

Hey everybody!

[img][/img] For my colaborative writing project (I've bugged the forum with it on other occasions), I want to show the writers position within the arc of tension dynamically using the image I attached.

Here is what I'd like to accomplish:

1. There is a finishing date, when the all the stories are supposed to have been finished.
2. There is a determined amount of steps (e.g. weekly meetings) which divide the period from the start to the finish date.
3. Using the provided image, I'd like a pointer (basically a vertical line which moves horizontally) to show the position within the arc of suspense. This means that let's say after three weeks the pointer moved e.g. 30% from left to right.

My question concerns mainly the styling part of this problem. I guess I could just go and calculate the position of the pointer manually and toggle classes as time moves on, but I am sure there is a better solution which can calculate the "animation" of the pointer.

(Harlowe)Sound Effects In Links

In my game, when you click on links a sound should play. I've looked on the wiki and used that code, but the sound doesn't play. Can anyone explain a way to play sound effects?

Preloading background images (Sugarcube 2.0 / Twine 2)

Hi! In my current story, the background image shifts with some of the passages. E.g. When you're in a cottage, there's a cottage background, then in a forest there's a forest etc.

I'm looking for a way to preload these images to minimize on players arriving on a black-screen background.

I found this chunk of Javascript code on one of the threads, but it was talking about Harlowe, not SugarCube 2.0. Just checking to see if it's applicable, or I need another solution to the problem. CSS I get, but Javascript does my head in.
(function() {
    var images = [];
    var preload = [ "urlofimage1", "urlofimage2", "urlofimage3" ];
    for (var i = 0; i < preload.length; i++) {
        images[i] = new Image();
        images[i].src = preload[i];

SugarCube either function broken?

I've been trying to use the either function in my port from Harlowe to Sugarcube to no avail. I've pasted the code directly from the manual:
either("Blueberry", "Cherry", "Pecan")

My output is: either("Blueberry", "Cherry", "Pecan")

Is this function available at this time?

Links that change when clicked

I'm using Twine 2, SugarCube 2.

I want to make a set of links that change when clicked. For instance, one link to change between "small" and "big" and another between "cat" and "dog", so that the player can toggle whether they want a small dog / big dog / small cat / big cat.

And then once the player has toggled the links to their desired appearance, and clicks on another link that would take them to a different passage, that new passage would reflect their choice in the previous one (for instance if they settled on "small" and "dog", it would say "The small dog is happy that you bought it.")

How can I do that?

Thank you!

harlowe - keeping variables through savegames?

so i've got a save/load game function in my game at the moment (works if you close the tab, lets you visit the main menu, etc)

(this is a footer on every page:)
[Save Game]<save| || [Load Saved Game]<restore|
(click: ?save)[*Saved!*(savegame: "A")] (click: ?restore)[*If you're seeing this, the game failed to load.*(loadgame: "A")]

i also have some settings id like the players to be able to customise (e.g 'show lock-in options' shows the final chances to see options)
You (if: $showlockin is "yes")[have](else:)[do not have] lock-in options enabled.
[Show Lock-In Options]<showlockin|
(click: ?showlockin)[You will now see lock-in options with LO tags.
(set: $showlockin to "yes")][Hide Lock-In Options]<hidelockin|
(click: ?hidelockin)[You will no longer see lock-in options.
(set: $showlockin to "no")]

the only problem is...
if a player saves the game, then goes to the menu, and changes the options... restoring their save game will reset the options to whatever they were when the save was made. making a new save keeps the options, but stops them returning to their previous point (deleting the old save forever; they have to restart).
is there any way to make certain variables carry over between saves?

TL;DR can't keep flags through savegames, how fix

No space bewteen links.

I would like to know if there is a possibility to have no space between the links?
My story use a lot of conditions, like that :
<<if option 1>>[[Passage 1]]<</if>>
<<if option 2>>[[Passage 2]]<</if>>
<<if option 3>>[[Passage 3]]<</if>>

During the testing, if Passage 1 and 2 aren't shown, Passage 3 isn't on top, the first both <<if>> making a space.

Thx for answers.

Browser back/forward history navigation

Using Harlowe 1.1.1 on Twine 2.0.8. Have a CYOA sort of story where I want to be able to use the browser back/forward button to navigate. It's not working for me by default in Chrome (Mac). Is history navigation with back/forward supposed to be enabled by default in Harlowe, or is there a config change I need to do to enable this? I tried Config.history.controls = true; but that gave an error (perhaps because it's specific to Sugarcube?)

Sorry for the newbie question. Maybe it's a quick fix?

Choose one from a random set of passages, then discard it


I'm a new user of Twine, struggling to make a first story-driven game for a Game Jam. Hope you can help me with the following:

We are trying to code a part of the game in which the player enters a set of passages, none of them with real choices, but with random text which we do not want to get repeated (think of it as different descriptions of a landscape each time the player advances). So if the player gets a "I see flowers" text, we do not want to get it displayed again, but another random text from a predefined set.

I have been toying around with history, previous and also look a bit into arrays, with no succesful results :(

We are using latest version of Harlowe, by the way.

Any help is appreciated :)

Need help setting (click:) questions to behave to my condition!!

On this passage the reader/player gets the option of 4 questions displayed, each with their own respective answers using the namedhook calls.

What I want is for the reader to select any of the questions displayed until the 4th selected question displays another answer that tells the reader the NPC is no longer interested in answer questions.

So far I've been unsuccessful in my attempts to right a decent condition.

Start of Passage
You [call out]<p1| to figure in the hole.

(click:?p1)[“What is it you want stranger, I’m busy.”

The figure replies, never taking its eyes away from its work.

It continues to dig, but seems responsive. You may ask it [questions]<p2| if you wish.]

[What are you doing?]<cl1|
[That's quite a hole you've dug for yourself...]<cl2|
[Excuse me, do you know where the fog went?!]<cl3|
[Do you know where we are?! How we got here?!]<cl4|
(if: $clickcount > 3)[(display: "Aftercallout")]
(elseif: $clickcount < 3)[(click:?cl1)["Isn’t it obvious! These were shattered during transfer, so I’m getting rid of the evidence.]](else:)[(set: $clickcount to it + 1)]
(if: $clickcount > 3)[(display: "Aftercallout")]
(elseif: $clickcount < 3)[(click:?cl2)["This is nothing. You should see all the other holes I've dug up in this place."]](else:)[(set: $clickcount to it + 1)]
(if: $clickcount > 3)[(display: "Aftercallout")]
(elseif: $clickcount < 3)[(click:?cl3)["<i>the figure briefly pauses</i>… <i>then continues digging.</i>"]](else:)[(set: $clickcount to it + 1)]
(if: $clickcount > 3)[(display: "Aftercallout")]
(elseif: $clickcount < 3)[(click:?cl4)["I’m certain I’ve read the answer on a pamphlet somewhere."]](else:)[(set: $clickcount to it + 1)]

"Aftercallout" is the is the passage/result text I would like to show up for any 4th question clicked.

Can anyone help? You're my only hope!...sorta

Colored text isn't showing properly in the game? (Harlowe)

I'm writing a story with multiple characters, and I've been using basic HTML (as in <font color = "#hexcode"> html) in order to change the font colors.

There's a problem, though - I can't make the text red, which I need to do for one of my characters. Whenever I try to input the code, it turns the text green instead - #980000, the desired color, shows up as #38761d (another character's color, who appears later in the story); and when I tried to make the text bright red, it showed up as neon green instead.

I'm not experienced with HTML, so I have no clue what's going wrong. Can anyone help?

Hello, can anyone help? What's wrong in such macro?

Hello, I am new, using Harlowe and I am trying such macro:

(set:$s1 to 0)

(link-reveal:"Click me")[(set:$s1 to 2)]

(if:$s1 is 2)[You find a new way]

The last sentence never print those text out. What's wrong with those Macro?

I try to change the last row into this:

(click:"check again")[(if:$s1 is 2)[You find a new way]]

and it display this sentence if I click the the one above last. Dose that mean the state of that (if:) won't change once it displayed? Usually, how do you guys do this?

This is one newbie from China. Well trying to write something interesting with this amazing tool. Thank you guys! :)
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