Channel: Help! with 2.0 - Twine Forum
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Newgrounds breaking the HTML file.

Hello, I just tried to upload a demo version of the game I'm currently working on to Newgrounds but some parts of the game are "broken". Sometimes my game's line breaks are working and sometimes are...

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Looking to define a next button based on ID variable

Hi, I have a network of passages but I want to define an A-to-Z order with Next and Prev buttons so I need to define the 'order' value of each... how is this best done so I can automate the coding of...

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Fading between passages

Okay, I'm using Harlowe 1.2.4. I'm trying to figure out how to get the passages to fade in and out as a transition, instead of just snapping into place. I mean all the text and everything, fading in...

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Remove Sidebar for certain tagged passages

So I've been wondering if it's possible to remove the sidebar for the few first passages, and then automatically make it appear as the player moves on. Something like, during the first few passages...

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Resizing Window Resizes Text

Hi, I am new to Twine and very, very new to CSS. My use of interactive fiction programs was restricted to Inform until about two days ago. I am working on a story and one of the things that drives me...

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Harlowe - Text transition inside passages

Hi, I'm trying to make the macros inside a passage (i.e. "link", "click" or "show") to show the text appearing with a transition effect (dissolve, atm). The only solution I've come up with is defining...

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Max value for a variable

Heey again, I feel like I'm a regular in this forum now... Anyway, I'm wondering if it's possible to establish a maximum value to a variable. I'm using Twine 2 and Sugarcube 2.18. My idea is to create...

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Error Opening Story in Twine 2

I recently got a new laptop and can't access Twine 2.1.3 - this was the version I was working in on my old system. I get a blank screen when opening Twine and when I try to open my HTML file of my...

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Array contains object - problem

Twine 2, SigarCube 2.x Example setup: StoryInit: <<set $object to {name: "name"}>> <<set $Array to []>> Passage: <<if visited() <2>><<set...

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Previous Passage without Specified tag

I'm using: (link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last) in an effort to go back to the last page. The only problem is that with the exact situation that I'm using I would like for the link to go back to...

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Help with arrays in sugarcube 2

Hello I'm sorry if this is a very noobish question, but i'm having a hard time understand arrays in general, so here goes. I'm trying to make a "trait" system, with different ranks, so say your...

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SugarCube 2.18 Problem with temp variables and for

Hello. SugarCube 2.18 Twine 2.1.3 I am making things like this: $$time = <<for _time = 0; _time <= $MAX_TIME; _time++>> <<if _time != $time>> [[_time->Debug][$time =...

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Default CSS Stylesheets in Sugarcube

I've been working on a story for a while, and recently, I realized that using Sugarcube as opposed to Harlowe would better suit my needs. However, now that I've switched, I realized that all of the CSS...

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[twine2][sugarcube2] disable/replace default css/html

'lo all. i'm building an rpg interface, and need to divided it up into sections like #map, #text, #actions, etc. My theory is this would be a lot easier if I just completely replace the default html...

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[Twine 2.1.3] [Sugarcube 2.18] Using Replace on a Span inside an added 'Sidebar'

Okay, I actually have new visible areas appearing already, but not working yet. I have, specifically, 4 new areas: a condition pane at the top, Status down the side, a navigation map in the lower...

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Inventory in Sugarcube 2

I'm using Twine 2, Sugarcube 2.18.0 and with my very basic understanding, I can't get an inventory to work. I copied the code from the twine wiki from the following link:...

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New to Twine! Here's my idea!

Hi there, I'm new to Twine and although I have some sense of understanding coding (mostly when I read it), I sometimes struggle just coming up with how to handle certain things from the top of my head....

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Game Stopped Working 6 Months Later

So I finished a game back in January. I've been sharing it with no problem since then... until today. Suddenly, when I try to open my game (even from my original file on my hard drive), it opens up a...

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Sorry, Never mind. I forgot to set a starting point. ugh! lol :/

Hi, I am using Twine 2 in the Harlowe 2.0.1 story format, online in Google Chrome and I am using Windows 10. I can test my story, but I cannot play it and I cannot publish the story to file. I am not...

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"Unexpected identifier" error?

Hi all! I'm trying to build a conversation system where everything the player says has the potential to have a positive, negative or neutral outcome (it's a little more elaborate than that, but that's...

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