Channel: Help! with 2.0 - Twine Forum
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Showing a link between passages in storyboard without actually creating a...

Good evening, I'm using JavaScript to move from passage to passage, but I'd like to be able to show links in the storyboard without them showing up in the passage. Right now I'm doing a workaround...

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Complicated if-else statement

Hey there, I'm pretty new to twine and I had a question on whether or not it's possible to create an if-else statement that takes into account some rather complicated variables or if I should find a...

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Passages won't auto-create - Help needed

I saw on a tutorial video that when you make a text link in your passage, and the passage link hasn't already been created, it will automatically create it for you. Of course, I can make the passages...

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Call an object method with a widget argument

I have several things such as the height and hair color that the player can set about the PC from a pre-defined list. Those lists use a basic setup. They are a link that replaces an above span with a...

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missing ) after argument list and unexpected token

I am using Harlowe 1.2.4 and Twine 2.1.3 and I'm getting an error on several mobile devices, the error (alert) is: "missing ) after argument list", while on other devices "Unexpected token =>". I...

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Right and Wrong answers in SugarCube 2

So im trying to make it where there's a keypad that has the code 9-4-6-2, I want the player to input the code into a textbox. If the player gets it right, he/she will get sent to a specific link. But...

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Can't remove default hover over link styling.

Hey everyone! I'm on SugarCube 2.18, Twine 2.1.3, and I can't seem to remove the default effects when hovering over links. This is my css for the links: a { color: DarkSlateGray; border-bottom: 1px...

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double brackets now create broken links

I have been using Twine 2.1.3 online version on my chromebook (chrome browser) and Twine 2.1.3 windows version on my windows desktop. I have been exporting and importing the document via google drive....

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How to disable em-dash in SugarCube?

In SugarCube, two hyphens gets converted to an em-dash: https://www.motoslave.net/sugarcube/2/docs/markup.html#basic-formatting However, I want to print some ASCII art and preserve the original two...

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Sugarcube - Passage Link that just changes variable

Imagine you're programming a store. You have a passage named [[Store]] and maybe five items for the player to choose from to buy. So you have options to buy [[Lamp]] or [[Table]] or [[Microwave]] but...

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Twine Crashes On Start

Hi all, I have recently downloaded twine 2.1.3 for Windows (32-bit). After I have installed the file and try to open it, Twine crashes immediately and I am given the error "nwjs has stopped working". I...

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How to do character creation in SugarCube

Hi there! I'm really new to SugarCube and twine... or programming in general and I have a few questions. Mainly about character creation. Now, I don't want to make something super fancy, but I'd like...

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Twine 2|Harlowe 2.0.1 - Problems with coding another mini-game...

Okay. Here's the thing. I'm trying to get this frankly simple word game based on Last Letter/Shiritori programmed, and I'm having obscene numbers of problems with it. Most of it, I'm sure I can work...

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[Sugarcube] Tailored time system not functioning properly

Greetings, Haven't been on in a while but for the most part I've been attempting to manage any problems I come across on my own, and it's been going reasonably well until this current juncture. What...

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Harlowe: Returning to Last Page which has (or doesn't have) a certain tag.

Hello .. I'm working on a rudimentary RPG in Harlowe 2.1.1. I have passages for the rooms in my "dungeon" (Tagged: MAP), and separate pages for simple turn-based-combat (Character's Attack and...

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How do I keep count of something?

Hi there! I'm a teacher trying to teach Twine with a bunch of enthusiastic primary-aged writers. They want to know how to do all kinds of things and I am doing my best to stay one step ahead of them....

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[Harlowe][Twine2] Is it possible to set a value in a Datamap to a reference...

I'm starting to learn Twine, and I thought I'd go about making a small framework to familiarize myself with the system. What I'm trying to do is set up a Datamap called "Door" that has a key/value pair...

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Can't publish to file from a duplicate file

Hey everyone! On Twine 2.1.3, I made a duplicate of one of my Twines, and only from that game, nothing happens when I click "publish to file". It's the same when doing it from the "hub menu", or from...

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JQuery Question(s)

Hi everyone! When I saw that Sugarcube had jquery support I got really excited, but I'm struggling with what I assume is a simple issue related to not understanding how the story format is implemented....

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Weird Bug in sugarcube 2.x Twine 2.x where a double slash comment causes bad...

Background: I was stuck for 2-3 days in my twine game project and decided to get help from forums. I was trying to create a workaround and simplfied version of my code to demonstrate the problem. And I...

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