Harlowe What to type after an "If" variable, (:if $hassword is "false") = I...
Hello everyone. I'm new to twine and am having trouble with Variables, specifically what to write after the above variable to create a link to another passage. Also if there was a tutorial you could...
View ArticleExternal URL links disappear when clicked
I am trying to add a link to an external URL to one of my passages. Here's an example: Layout of the overview could be a vertical "stacking" display like...
View ArticleHelp creating a UI
Hi I'm new to twine and CSS and after looking around the net I can't seem to find the info I am looking for. I want to create a custom UI for my game and I'm not sure how to do it. This is only a...
View ArticleFollowing link sets variable
I'm sure there's an easy way to do this but I just can't find it. I'm in Twine 2, so using Harlowe by default but willing to switch. I want the player to be taken to the same passage next, but...
View ArticleTwine not exporting to file or saving online
Hi all, I have enjoyed using Twine for a long time and have spent a long time on a particular story. (this is on the online version on Google Chrome.) I have previously had some trouble with Twine not...
View ArticleOnline version 2.1.3 - I cannot "Publish to file" from a specific story
I am able to publish to file on other stories I have created still but a particular story does nothing when I click "Publish to file". It does nothing from choosing that option in the story itself, nor...
View Articlepublished file doesnt work
I published my story (twine 2.1) to file so that I'd be able to switch from using the browser version to the downloaded version of twine. Except when I try to add that file to desktop twine it doesn't...
View ArticleSnowman: display a specific passage in all passages?
I want to implement something like Harlowe's footer/header feature... specifically for a menu for inventory, character notes etc. And be able to hide it on some passages (probably based on passage...
View ArticleNo 'Back' or 'forward' buttons when using IE
Hello, I am using Harlowe 1.2.4 and have noticed if I use IE, I no longer see a back or forward arrow on each passage. When I open the same html file within Chrome I see the back and forward arrows....
View Articlepage as link
Just started with Twine 2. Is it possible to make a page itself a link such that clicking the mouse anywhere on the page sends you off to some other passage?
View ArticleSugarCube 2 How to use arrays?
I have this: StoryInit <<set $LOW_SKILL = 1>> <<set $MID_SKILL = 2>> <<set $HIGH_SKILL = 3>> <<set $SALARY[$LOW_SKILL] = 100>> <<set...
View ArticleRemoving blank left margin after removing Sugarcube UI
Arg. I realize that this has already been discussed, but I'm not getting the results I want. Using Sugarcube 2 and Twine 2, I've removed the Sugarcube UI on the left side with: $('#ui-bar').remove();...
View ArticleClick links not showing?
Why don't my click links show up? Harlowe 2.0.1, (set: _setterTest to "unset")|text>[This is an example text to see if this works.] (click: "Click this toto change the variable")[(replace:...
View ArticleIs it possible to make a visual novel in twine 2?
I need as wondering since I'm planning on making one at some point.
View Articletrouble publishing from web version, using chrome on Android
Hi, Ive been searching for a few days for an answer including this forum so I hope this isnt a duplicate! I'm using twine 2 web, using chrome on an android table. "publish to file" results in the...
View ArticleUndo in Twine Editor
Can I ask why there is still no undo function in the Twine 2 editor? I have seen threads going back to 2015 on the subject and to be honest I am tired of losing hours of work from simple miss keys, as...
View Articleclickable "Hint"-button in almost every passage (SugarCube 2)
Hey everybody, I am in need for orientation for the following problem: I want to have a "hint" button in almost every passage which opens a <div> with a hint on how to solve the passage's task....
View ArticleHidden link in one passage?
Hi all! I can't exactly figure out how to make a link look like normal text, but only in a single passage. Any help will be appriciated.
View Article[Twine 2.0, Harlowe] Random numbers with exclusions?
Is it possible to create random numbers with specific exclusions? I'm trying to make a very simple dungeon crawler, and I need a script for the enemies to target random party members. But I need to set...
View ArticleHow to make Image with a clickable link have a mouse over effect??
Hey guys, new to Twine - very new to coding too - and I'm struggling a bit with something. On Sugarcube 2.18 btw. How can I have an image (which, when clicked, sends you to a different passage) have a...
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