So my approach to changing equipment in my RPG is going to look something like this:
You are using $Weapon.
You have these weapons:
(set: $iterator = 1)
(live: 2ms)[
(link-goto: $OwnedWeapons's $iterator, "Change Equipment")
(if: $iterator + 1 > $OwnedWeapons's length)[(stop:)]
(set: $iterator to $iterator + 1)
The thing that is troubling me is how I can get the game to know which link they click on. I don't want to develop a unique passage for equipping every piece of gear in the game. Anyone have any ideas about a way to implement this?
You are using $Weapon.
You have these weapons:
(set: $iterator = 1)
(live: 2ms)[
(link-goto: $OwnedWeapons's $iterator, "Change Equipment")
(if: $iterator + 1 > $OwnedWeapons's length)[(stop:)]
(set: $iterator to $iterator + 1)
The thing that is troubling me is how I can get the game to know which link they click on. I don't want to develop a unique passage for equipping every piece of gear in the game. Anyone have any ideas about a way to implement this?