I've run into an odd problem while working in harlowe. If I use the click-replace macro and in the same passage us live and replace to cycle through some text (example below) hovering over the click-replace link causes it to blink with the live macro and can't be clicked in between blinks. If the macro is set to a faster rate (like the example) the link can't be clicked at all. If the time is slowed down to a more readable rate it's possible to click in between blinks, but that still feels less then ideal. This problem does not affect regular passage to passage links. Is there any way to fix this or work around it? Or, is there a better way I could be cycling through text that won't cause this problem?
Click-Replace (click-replace: "Click-Replace")[Replace with this text]
Replace this
(live: 0.1s)[(replace: "Replace this")[with this]]
(live: 0.1s)[(replace: "with this")[then back]]
(live: 0.1s)[(replace: "then back")[Replace this]]
Click-Replace (click-replace: "Click-Replace")[Replace with this text]
Replace this
(live: 0.1s)[(replace: "Replace this")[with this]]
(live: 0.1s)[(replace: "with this")[then back]]
(live: 0.1s)[(replace: "then back")[Replace this]]