Hi. I have made this for the start of my game. It uses (live:) macros, and I thought I places the (stop:) macros in the right place. Basically, I just want the text to show, then go on to the next bit of text. I don't know why this isn't working. Here's my code. If anyone was kind enough to look through it and give me a version with the (stop:) macros in the right place then that would be awesome!
{ (print: "<script>$('html').removeClass(\)</script>") (if: (passage:)'s tags's length > 0)[ (print: "<script>$('html').addClass('" + (passage:)'s tags.join(' ') + "'\)</script>") ] }|newGame>[I was born at sea.] (live: 2s)[(replace: ?newGame)[I was born at sea for a reason. (live: 2s)[(replace: ?newGame)[I was born at sea, to live at sea. (live: 2s)[(replace: ?newGame)[To fight at sea. (live: 2s)[(replace: ?newGame)[To rule the sea... (live: 3s)[(replace: ?newGame)['Oh, he's a lovely young boy, isn't he!' exclaimed your mother.(live: 2s)[ 'Yes, he most certainly is.' agreed your father, looking down at you as a baby and smiling, just as your mother did. (link: "'But what to call him is the question.'")[(replace: ?newGame)[(color: "red")[ {(link: "(either: 'Daniel','Francis','Charles')")[(set: $name to (prompt: "Please Enter A First Name:"))]} {(link: "(either: 'East','Kenway','Drake')")[(set: $sname to (prompt: "Please Enter A Surname:"))]} {(link: "(either: 'Ruler of Seas','Killer of Kings','The Champion','Death','Ruler of Seas','Killer of Kings','The Champion','Death','Ruler of Seas','Killer of Kings','The Champion','Death','Ruler of Seas','Killer of Kings','The Champion','Death','Ruler of Seas','Killer of Kings','The Champion','Death','Ruler of Seas','Killer of Kings','The Champion','Death','The Black Pearl')")[(set: $ship to (prompt: "Please Name Your Ship:"))]}] (if: $name is 0)[](else:)[(if: $sname is 0)[](else:)[(if: $ship is 0)[](else:)[ [[Accept ->Story]]]]]]]](stop:)]](stop:)]](stop:)]](stop:)]](stop:)]](stop:)