I'm trying to figure out how to build a simple "active battle system", with action bars.
$e1_act_bar is an empty array.
The question is: how can I stop the macro of keep filling the array with █, since if the player didn't act, he/she will have a massive array, even if only 10 are visible? The obvious answer is (stop:), but I don't have idea how to do it and after the combat actions (when the bar reaches 10 and must be stopped), bring it back to work.
(live: $e1_time)[ (set: $e1_act_bar to it + (a:"█")) Count: $e1_count_bar;(set: $e1_count_bar to it + 1) Bar: (print: $e1_act_bar.slice(0,10).join(" ")) ]$e1_time is the enemy reaction time score, so if a character has good reaction, the live will be faster and his bar be plenty sooner.
$e1_act_bar is an empty array.
(set: $e1_act_bar to (a:))$e1_count_bar is a simple counter, set to 0 outside the live.
(set: $e1_count_bar to 0)The print will display, this way, a bar like █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █, sliced to the first 10 blocks.
The question is: how can I stop the macro of keep filling the array with █, since if the player didn't act, he/she will have a massive array, even if only 10 are visible? The obvious answer is (stop:), but I don't have idea how to do it and after the combat actions (when the bar reaches 10 and must be stopped), bring it back to work.