I'll show the code first:
Wasn't it supposed to only remove the second $hammer from the array instead of removing the var itself and rendering empty other positions?
Thank you.
(set: $hammer to (datamap: "Name", "Hammer", "Description", "Yeah, it's a hammer.", "slot", "right_hand" ) ) (set: $weapons to (array: $hammer,$hammer,$hammer)) (live: 1s)[ Name 1: (if:$weapons.length > 0)[(print: $weapons's 1st's Name)](else:)[I'm empty] Name 2: (if:$weapons.length > 1)[(print: $weapons's 2nd's Name)](else:)[I'm empty] Name 3: (if:$weapons.length > 2)[(print: $weapons's 3rd's Name)](else:)[I'm empty] (link-reveal: "Discard 2nd hammer?")[(set: $weapons to it - (a:$weapons's 2nd))] ]It creates a $hammer var, and a $weapons with two "hammers" inside. The problem is: if I want to discard only one hammer, with the given link-reveal, it discards all of them.
Wasn't it supposed to only remove the second $hammer from the array instead of removing the var itself and rendering empty other positions?
Thank you.