I've seen quite a few old threads on using image maps, and while my coding abilities are out of date and never were too advanced to begin with, I DID manage to get what I was doing with it all figured out... (here it comes...)
...but it just. Won't. Work.
I'm using a local image, and a testing project file to figure it out sans screwing up the main project, but ARGH.
The other passages exist, the file is there, and I've also tried the code with the data-passages starting with hashtags.
The image shows up just fine.
The mouse goes to the link mode over the right places on the image.
Clicking on the area locations does...... nothing. If I have the #'s, it alters the location path in the browser to show "#windowsit" or the like, but does not move me to another passage.
What the flaming chicken mcnuggets am I doing wrong? XD
(the image is a low-detail placeholder for the eventual map image) (yes, i know any size changes will change the coordinates)
...but it just. Won't. Work.
I'm using a local image, and a testing project file to figure it out sans screwing up the main project, but ARGH.
this is for testing purposes.
<html><map name="testporch">
<area shape="rect" coords=10,0,75,60" data-passage="windowsit">
<area shape="rect" coords=100,0,180,60" data-passage="farntdoors">
<area shape="rect" coords=360,10,400,90" data-passage="ilikeplants">
<img usemap="#testporch" src="images/mansporch.gif"></html>
The other passages exist, the file is there, and I've also tried the code with the data-passages starting with hashtags.
The image shows up just fine.
The mouse goes to the link mode over the right places on the image.
Clicking on the area locations does...... nothing. If I have the #'s, it alters the location path in the browser to show "#windowsit" or the like, but does not move me to another passage.
What the flaming chicken mcnuggets am I doing wrong? XD
(the image is a low-detail placeholder for the eventual map image) (yes, i know any size changes will change the coordinates)