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Items in bulleted list appearing before body text - Twine 2.1.1 Harlowe story format

Hi there,

I am writing a mystery novel (in Portuguese) and I am placing the action choices at the end of the passage, using the bulleted list markup (similar to Birdland Camp). When I play the story and reach a passage with bulleted items they are always shown immediatelly and the body text after. It's seems like the bulleted items are not afftected by the default transition effect. And this is a bit of a bummer, revealing the options before showing the text.

Does anyone have this problem and/or knows how to solve it?

Here is a bit of what I'm doing (though is in Portuguese I think you can follow the logic)
— Isto vai demorar muito? É que tenho uma reunião importante daqui a uma hora — disse Raul, mostrando impaciência.

* [[Vai demorar o tempo que for preciso...|tough]]
* [[Vamos começar em breve. Só precisamos de mais uns minutos.|polite]]

Thanks everyone!


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