I'm trying to add a mechanic to my story where the background color of the sidebar changes to reflect the time of day in the story, which passes by in real time and can be sped up and slowed down. This system I've written works pretty well while a passage is being displayed, but creates visual artifacts during passage transitions.
Long story short, I use setInterval() to create a game tick, and during each tick I update the game's internal clock and update the styles on various elements.
During a passage transition, some time after PassageDone, the StoryCaption is redrawn and the custom styles are reverted to default. The styles are corrected during the next game tick, but this leaves a few milliseconds where everything is the noticeably the wrong color.
Is there a better way to dynamically recolor the UI bar? Failing that, is there some way to reliably hook into UI bar updates so I can reapply custom styles before those updates are rendered?
Relevant snippets of code below:
StoryInit Passage
Story Javascript
I'm trying to add a mechanic to my story where the background color of the sidebar changes to reflect the time of day in the story, which passes by in real time and can be sped up and slowed down. This system I've written works pretty well while a passage is being displayed, but creates visual artifacts during passage transitions.
Long story short, I use setInterval() to create a game tick, and during each tick I update the game's internal clock and update the styles on various elements.
During a passage transition, some time after PassageDone, the StoryCaption is redrawn and the custom styles are reverted to default. The styles are corrected during the next game tick, but this leaves a few milliseconds where everything is the noticeably the wrong color.
Is there a better way to dynamically recolor the UI bar? Failing that, is there some way to reliably hook into UI bar updates so I can reapply custom styles before those updates are rendered?
Relevant snippets of code below:
StoryInit Passage
<<set $game_clock to new Date(Date.UTC(0, 0, 1, 12, 0, 0))>> <<set $time_factor to 1>> <<run window.setInterval(window.gametick, 33)>>
Story Javascript
// ... window.lastTick = new Date().getTime(); window.gametick = function() { var now = new Date().getTime(), interval = now - window.lastTick; window.lastTick = now; window.timeSystem.addTime(interval); // updates $game_clock window.uiSystem.updateUI(); // modifies DOM } // ... window.timeSystem = { addTime: function (interval) { var clock = variables().game_clock, timeFactor = variables().time_factor; clock.setTime(clock.getTime() + (interval * timeFactor)); }, // ... } // ... window.uiSystem = { // ... updateUI: function () { var time_system = window.timeSystem; // calculate new background colours based on current game time var bgColor = this.getTimeGradient(this.colors.bgPanelDay, this.colors.bgPanelDelta), textPanelColor = this.getTimeGradient(this.colors.textPanelDay, this.colors.textPanelDelta), dropShadowColor = this.getTimeGradient(this.colors.dropShadowDay, this.colors.dropShadowDelta); // update any DOM elements displaying the current time and date jQuery(".timespan").text(time_system.getTime()); jQuery(".dayspan").text(time_system.getDays()); // recolour the background, using the new colors jQuery("#ui-bar, #ui-bar-2").css('background-color', bgColor); jQuery("body, .story-box").css('background-color', textPanelColor); jQuery("#ui-bar, #ui-bar-2, .story-box").css('box-shadow', '0px 0px 5px 0px ' + dropShadowColor); } // ... };