I'm using datamaps to track the player's state, and it would be really nice if I could make the appearance of certain links depend on specific stats being set to specific values. As an experiment, I made a really quick prototype container and link:
This obviously generates an error- the if macro says "the command should be assigned to a variable or attached to a hook," but I thought I'd done both; $player's strength is a valid variable, and there are no spaces or anything between the macro and the hook. Am I making an obvious syntax gaffe, or are links not intended to be combined with the if: macro?
{(set: $player to (datamap: "Name", "Bob", "strength", 10, "dexterity", 8, "wisdom",3, ))} (if: $player's strength < 5)[[You can barely move the boulder]] (else:)[[You casually toss the gigantic rock over your shoulder and move on]]
This obviously generates an error- the if macro says "the command should be assigned to a variable or attached to a hook," but I thought I'd done both; $player's strength is a valid variable, and there are no spaces or anything between the macro and the hook. Am I making an obvious syntax gaffe, or are links not intended to be combined with the if: macro?