So I had this idea for a mechanic in the game I'm writing. But I'm a bit at a loss how to write and implement it.
The premise is this. In battle, you're presented with a full bar that slowly depletes (Indicating the time you have). There is also a button. You click this button to deal damage, so you want to furiously click this as much as possible before the timer bar depletes.
When the bar depletes, you're sent to another page. For the amount of times you've clicked, you deal a proportional amount of damage to the enemy, and this is described on the second page. Basically it's a bit more interactive for the player than turn-based combat where damage is rolled automatically.
I had some other ideas as variants for different sort of attacks, using a similar countdown function. E.g. A timer, a rune displayed, and you've got to click on the same rune from a set of eight before the timer runs out to cast, etc. It all would use the same underlying 'timer bar' mechanic that depletes in real time, then sends you to a different page once the bar runs out.
Anyone know how I should go about this?
Alternatively, I was also thinking about how one would do a similar coundown (or count UP) bar where you have to hit a button when the bar rests within a certain section, much like your 'Dance Dance Revolution' kind of thing. E.g. Hit when the bar rests between 60% and 80%. But I've been thinking this would be too hard to implement and may not even be possible.
The premise is this. In battle, you're presented with a full bar that slowly depletes (Indicating the time you have). There is also a button. You click this button to deal damage, so you want to furiously click this as much as possible before the timer bar depletes.
When the bar depletes, you're sent to another page. For the amount of times you've clicked, you deal a proportional amount of damage to the enemy, and this is described on the second page. Basically it's a bit more interactive for the player than turn-based combat where damage is rolled automatically.
I had some other ideas as variants for different sort of attacks, using a similar countdown function. E.g. A timer, a rune displayed, and you've got to click on the same rune from a set of eight before the timer runs out to cast, etc. It all would use the same underlying 'timer bar' mechanic that depletes in real time, then sends you to a different page once the bar runs out.
Anyone know how I should go about this?
Alternatively, I was also thinking about how one would do a similar coundown (or count UP) bar where you have to hit a button when the bar rests within a certain section, much like your 'Dance Dance Revolution' kind of thing. E.g. Hit when the bar rests between 60% and 80%. But I've been thinking this would be too hard to implement and may not even be possible.