I have used both Twine 2.0.x and 2.1.x in Linux (64) and on Macintosh. In every case, the program seems not to recognize the Hidden and Show hooks feature. I have attempted to make my own, and also to simply copy the examples from the Harlowe 2 manual https://twine2.neocities.org/2.html#markup_hidden-hook.
When I try, the macro tags do not assume syntax styling. And, when I Run the passage, "I can't run the macro 'show' because it doesn't exist."
Otherwise, Twine 2.1 is mostly working fine. (On Ubuntu, the Twine app file won't act like an executable but must be called from the Terminal each time, but I will ask about that another time if it persists.)
Can anyone confirm that the new features do NOT work, or else suggest why I might be having trouble with them? I can attach screen shots if that would be helpful. Thank you!
When I try, the macro tags do not assume syntax styling. And, when I Run the passage, "I can't run the macro 'show' because it doesn't exist."
Otherwise, Twine 2.1 is mostly working fine. (On Ubuntu, the Twine app file won't act like an executable but must be called from the Terminal each time, but I will ask about that another time if it persists.)
Can anyone confirm that the new features do NOT work, or else suggest why I might be having trouble with them? I can attach screen shots if that would be helpful. Thank you!